Laguna Revisited

um, cache er havoc er summun? I am gonna head down to seca wit mike (aprilliamike) we wanna hook up with the portland crew yo. so wherz the meet?  
 serious though, um, is that portland ride still on? the one from salsas post? some riders from BC? details plz... deatails
What's up Twisted. We are all good for Laguna...Havoc is the man with the plan. We are leaving wednesday early and spending the night on the way down. Hopefully you guys are covered for camping or hotel in the Laguna area.

It sounds like the group from Vancouver BC may not be coming in May, or if they do come, they will be going to Seattle instead of Portland. I don't know for sure...look for posts from Flying Swan on the subject.
i know we mentioned taking Hwy 101 all the way down, like FS said before they did that last year, and i also did the same. but i have been hearing  good things about riding thru Trinity Alps, ive heard this before on how amazing it is from different boards and several people that have personally ridden through their before and and its got my curiousity. ive looked at the map and we could still cut across back to Hwy 101 for the rest of the trip to lagauna.

Personally , when i moved up here from PHX i drove thru Klamath Falls and was amazed on how twisty it was coming thru there with a Uhaul and towing a car behind me. i did make it through there safely

more details to come later

Inland wouldnt be a bad idea for this trip
Hey havoc,
Sounds good to me. Anyways, whether or not my any of our groups goes Bog and I will be there. Keep us updated on your plans. Have fun.
Hi Greg,
I know he needs to chill. Oh well, here's pictures of the girls at our first HOT CHICK PARTY. Next week's ride to Squmaish then back to my place for a bq. Check out my group.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, when can I visit... PLEASE... uhhhhhhh

Just kidding, sort of... I hope to meet you and your pals at Laguna. Yeaaaa Haaaaa
Hey havoc,
Sounds good to me. Anyways, whether or not my any of our groups goes Bog and I will be there. Keep us updated on your plans. Have fun.
i think will go that way, looks fun and havent been that way before so lets do it, im on my way to AAA to get some maps and routes, and figure a place to stay for the the night , looks like Weed,CA will be the first stop for the night.

more details to come
Hey havoc,
Sounds good to me. Anyways, whether or not my any of our groups goes Bog and I will be there. Keep us updated on your plans. Have fun.
i think will go that way, looks fun and havent been that way before so lets do it, im on my way to AAA to get some maps and routes, and figure a place to stay for the the night , looks like Weed,CA will be the first stop for the night.

more details to come
Since I am simply not going to do any ork on putting a route together, I will play follow the leader, and you are it boss.

As soon as we get some decent weather lets plan a ride and get together over lunch or something to go over the route and rally the troops. Maybe we could head up to Centralia and meet the northern group.
which route is the Oregon crew taking to seca? mike says hwy 101 to 1 is the way to go. better stuff. I follow him cuz he has the radar detector. I-5 is too wearysome and boring, too straight...maybe we can hook up down the road? anyone taking a vehichle down from portland or seattle? who are all those babes?
which route is the Oregon crew taking to seca? mike says hwy 101 to 1 is the way to go. better stuff. I follow him cuz he has the radar detector. I-5 is too wearysome and boring, too straight...maybe we can hook up down the road? anyone taking a vehichle down from portland or seattle? who are all those babes?
I think Rick (Havoc) is more or less in charge of our route. Previously, we were planning Hwy 101, but we are considering going part way inland for at least part of the way. However, I don't think I-5...too boring. Here is what Havoc had to say...i have been hearing good things about riding thru Trinity Alps, ive heard this before on how amazing it is from different boards and several people that have personally ridden through their before and and its got my curiousity. ive looked at the map and we could still cut across back to Hwy 101 for the rest of the trip to lagauna.

Personally , when i moved up here from PHX i drove thru Klamath Falls and was amazed on how twisty it was coming thru there with a Uhaul and towing a car behind me. i did make it through there safely

Those women are friends of Busa riding Flying Swan (Julia) and her boyfriend Bog. They are part of a group from Vancouver BC who are going to Laguna. There is a good chance that they will come our way and ride with us.
which route is the Oregon crew taking to seca? mike says hwy 101 to 1 is the way to go. better stuff. I follow him cuz he has the radar detector. I-5 is too wearysome and boring, too straight...maybe we can hook up down the road? anyone taking a vehichle down from portland or seattle? who are all those babes?
hwy 101 is a good route, we want to add a little twist to it this year, try something different. NO DOUBT will hit hwy 1 for the second day, but want to explore some new roads.
just got the trip planner from AAA and man the route is going to be good. if you get chance do a search on Trinity Alps.

Curious to know is 500 miles in way day to much for you guys ,i dont want anyone to get tired

to be cont


i wouldnt worry about the radar detector, i passed a CHP on the other side of the road doing 120 and he didnt even blink and eye.
havoc, 500 miles? let me see, unless its tighter than a knats ass, we could average about 120 mph, less piss breaks, thats about 4.5, 5 hrs ride time? ha ha ha... thinker, I think theres 3 or 4 I am riding down with? sounds like salsa may not be going, or if he does he will be solo? I will check out the website, a few nice rides look like hwy 36, 39, and 299 how bout 199? when you figure a route post it will ya? later....we'll ride before then....
Cool, routes are being discussed now. In May, lets sit down and discuss them. Are you guys all camping on the hill or what?
thinker, I,m not gonna sleep while I am down there, be too busy struttin' yo... and I will be too busy plotting a way to get on the track at about midnight for a few hotlaps to sleep, hahahahaha how many laps ya think I,ll get in before they send hayden out to run me down? hahahahahahahahahaha, dang man, is everyone conserving on drive space or what? summers comin up PDQ... GOT RIDES?
Swan: update please! you said you and anna and who else are all thats left??

Greg, Havoc, †WÃ￾§â€ Ã«D: lets hook up in centralia or somethin before july,...... do a nice litl ride and plan out the trip south.

I need a new back tire before I go............. shiat..............
Swan: update please! you said you and anna and who else are all thats left??

Greg, Havoc, †WÃ￾§â€ Ã«D: lets hook up in centralia or somethin before july,...... do a nice litl ride and plan out the trip south.

I need a new back tire before I go.............   shiat..............
Agreed! As soon as we get more consitent weather, lets meet to ride and confirm whos ridin with us, the route, departure times, general rules for the ride, etc. I haven't really tried to count lately, but I bet our number is going to be at least 10.

Don't know for sure, but Swan may very well add to that number.
Swan: update please! you said you and anna and who else are all thats left??

Greg, Havoc, †WÃ￾§†Ã«D: lets hook up in centralia or somethin before july,...... do a nice litl ride and plan out the trip south.

I need a new back tire before I go.............   shiat..............
i got a extra 20% off coupon at Cycle Gear for tires. what kind of rear tire you looking at. I went there the other day to pick up a new BT010, and they were out. next week theyll have them in. needless to say ill be getting the insurance this time