Laguna Seca


One of the Few, the proud -
Donating Member
How far in in advance does everyone start the preperations for Laguna Seca. I missed it this year, but hopefull never again. I live in Grants Pass, Oregon and hoping I can hook with some folks going south. I'm hoping to sleep in a bed instead of on the ground next time. Anyhow, I know it's way early, but any info would be appreciated. I read the posts about last year, and it seems like everyone had a blast.
It was a blast and I will be making the trip again next year. I think we started making plans about six months in advance. When it gets a little closer that is all we will talk about. :biggrin:
Coppertone, the plan-making starts getting into high gear when the tickets are actually available:

I'm looking forward to next year with the new regs in WSB (ALL engine configurations allowed 1000 CC)....hopefully there will be a full grid with all (or most) major manufacturers represented.  Unfortunately, it appears that the AMA wants to institute the Mat Mladin rule for next year...inline fours must race with STOCK throttle bodies.  Let's hope they get talked out of THAT, between now and then!
Plan ahead !! I have made reservations already for race weekend in Monterey. I waited way too long this year. Not again. And the rates are less expensive by reserving now. The race is normally weekend after July 4 so 9,10,11 and 12 July 2004. Some motels/hotels won't do a year in advance, so I stay where they will. Looking forward to another great weekend next year.
i had friends make hotel reservations as early as mid december.. then others bought the tickets as soon as they were available isnt that like january or feb?? im not missing it this year.. preliminary plans is to go up a few days early so we can go site seeing up in the bay for a day or 2 then watch the races then leave the next day.
FredE what route do you take when you go down for Laguna Seca. I have taken Hwy 1 to Hwy101, in the past. I'll definately be making reservations early. Anyhow, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled, and maybe someone from the northwest will be riding to races. I missed it this year, and I'm already, ready for next year. :)
Coppertone, there will be PLENTY of folks to ride with next year.  Everyone had such a good time, no one wants to be left out in 2004.  My wife and I go every year...we've gone I-5 (boring but quick), thru Bend and across to Arcata and then down the coast (scenic, but slow & vacation RV traffic), or like last year....we rode thru Bend & K Falls as far as Redding with the gang, and then straight thru on I-5 the next day.  You get a little scenery (we stopped at Crater Lake), but make time on the second day.

When the event gets closer, there will probably be a Laguna forum here (there was for 2003), where you can communicate & make plans.
Since we're off to an early start... where is everyone planning to stay? I say we take over a hotel... my .02 :cool:
Make reservations...At the Goodnite Inn ,in Salinas,good price if reserved early..have not done it yet...had 13 Busa's this last fun :biggrin:
FredE what route do you take when you go down for Laguna Seca.  I have taken Hwy 1 to Hwy101, in the past.  I'll definately be making reservations early.  Anyhow, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled, and maybe someone from the northwest will be riding to races.  I missed it this year, and I'm already, ready for next year.   :)
Last year a group of 16 road down from the NW. I think about half were Busas. Not sure if I am riding or trailering next year. We will see.

Hopefully, we will all try to stay at the same hotel again. I would like to pick one in Monterey instead of Salinas. Salinas is just too far after having a beer or two. Yes, I said it, and did it. I was fine, but had some concern for at least one friend that may have pushed the limits. So next year, I want my trip home to be 5 minutes.
Greg, I did a search for motels in Monterey proper. The most reasonable so far is the Rodeway Inn on Fremont Street. They are taking reservations now for next year. About 5 mins from the Row.
Greg, I did a search for motels in Monterey proper. The most reasonable so far is the Rodeway Inn on Fremont Street. They are taking reservations now for next year. About 5 mins from the Row.
So how reasonable is reasonable? How 'bout doing us a favor and asking about a group rate? I bet 20 rooms would be easy to fill.
Hey Guys,

I agree with Greg about staying on or closer to Cannery Row. If everyone got together we may be able to get a group rate discount on something close. As mentioned above, some of the Hotels don't start taking reservations until the new year. If we all want to stay together, we need to get a SOLID COMMITMENT (don't run guys from the "C" word, it's just for a Hotel) of how many rooms and I will try to find a close Hotel that will give us a group discount and hold it.

Staying in Monterey is more expensive. You WILL NOT get the same rate as the Goodnite Inn in Salinas. It will be no less than $125/$175 nite. But it's worth it, you don't have to make that long drive back to Salinas, especially if you've been drinking. Maybe Thinker (wink, smile, batting of the eyes) would be willing to gather up info on who's going for sure next year and once we have a solid number I will find a Hotel who will give us a discount nice & close and book the rooms. The sooner the better.... If you guys don't mind the Goodnite Inn in Salinas and the drive, then that's fine as well. It would just be really cool if we were all together.

Just let me know whatcha' think...... I'll do whatever I can from here.....

Lo :biggrin:
These are the rates quoted for the Rodeway in Monterey with AAA or other discounts.
Reservation/Room Details

Directions: US 1S, exit Casa Verde Way. Left on Casa Verde, then
right on Fremont Street to hotel. US 1N, exit Fremont Street 5
blocks to hotel on right hand side.
RoomRoom FeaturesAdultsChildrenNightly Rate
1 Queen Bed, No SmokingMicrowave Pay-For-View Movies
Jul 8 for 1 night - 89.10
Jul 9 for 1 night - 116.10
Jul 10 for 1 night - 125.10
Jul 11 for 1 night - 89.10

As i mentioned before, these are the least expensive I found so far. But I did not try to see about a group rate for several rooms......
I am definitly in... i will debut my bike next summer with all of her new goodies and paint job.