Land Down Under...

Hey 15LDE,
If your ever down Coffs harbour way let me know I'm always keen for a ride
Cheers Pearso:beerchug:
Pearso, the furthest i really go is trips to grafton as i have friends there. But if i am planning a trip any further i'll try get in touch for sure:thumbsup:
Pearso, the furthest i really go is trips to grafton as i have friends there. But if i am planning a trip any further i'll try get in touch for sure:thumbsup:

I'm up through Grafton all the time mate to ride the Gerbralters and Nymboida let me know:beerchug:
Thanks guys, when the rain clears i,ll try and get out to get some more pics for those interested...:thumbsup:
I wish i just had to wait for rain to clear. Its -6 deg right and should be -15 deg in a few hrs. I think i need to move somewhere warmer !!!!
Hey 15LDE,
I ride with Gary quite often.
Did 500km run with him yesterday as it happens, you should join us out on the tar one day soon.
Will post some pics of my bike soon as i get around to taking some.
Sounds like you might be onto something aussiebusaboy. I managed to get in approx 400kms on sunday up through maleny before the heavens opened. It was awesome. I should be at springwood suzuki this saturday, weather permitting, at about 10:30 if you are keen to meet up?