Laser Interceptor Installed On Busa 56k warning!

Yeah, i've seen videos of that stuff. one tagger and an arsenal of cars waiting to pull people over.

The problem I see with other states is they used a mixed array of defenses. Some states use radar, lidar and speed cams, some just use radar and lidar. Some only one or the other.

In hawaii it's 100% lidar so I feel comfortable doing what I do. I've seen a video where a guy went to test his jammer out only to get pulled over because the cop was using Ka radar lol. his jammer made no sound and did absolutely nothing to help him then.

That's why I always recommend people do their homework before buying any kind of device they think might help them get away with speeding. Also don't just go with what one person says about any device. Even looking back on my own posts. If I were reading them from the prespective of someone else. I took would consider my posts sounding a little "fanboyish". I can't help it though. Coming from a 107 in a 55 3 years ago I literally paid out of my rear on that one.

If you guys have any questions by all means let me know. I've done a lot of reading on these devices. I'm familiar with the blinder xtreme models too if you are thinking of going the cost effective route.

On bikes all they really got to go with is your headlight and license plate. My uncle said the busa is an easy tag because the headlight is huge and the blinkers are mounted next to the headlight so closely that it effectively increases the center mass target area of the lidar. Helmets won't give a good reading from a far distance, you're front forks can be targeted too and sideview mirrors are hard from a distance. He's tagged about 6 busa's since begining of this year. It's not much of a statistic LOL but for a 3 mile stretch of road, you can't expect much.

I've had a chance to play with the prolaser, simply put he just told me, put the square on the bike and pull the trigger, the gun will figure out the location of the reflective surfaces and do the rest on it's own.

As the bike/vehicle gets closer you can use your square to determine what you want to target. Helmet, mirror etc...Fun stuff!

I think it would be fun being a traffic cop.:thumbsup:
I have always wondered about these things. I watched videos from RadarBusters and wondered about the special "Paint" for the headlights. Do you suppose that if this special paint can diffuse the light enough that you could use it to paint the whole bike? Stealth mode, right? And what about radar detector placement? Wouldn't it be better to have remote sensors that could mount on the rear as well as the front?
I like the idea, but it is really expensive. I know, I know. The cost of a ticket plus insurance rates. It's just hard to cough up that much dough.
BRAH... I got a much more simple solution and doesn't cost me that much and I keep the electrical to a minimum.... I know how it is here and I have a few tricks in my pockets.... when I know that is going to be out of control I just make sure i keep a mohack on my back pocket and i put the ultra light skins on my lid.... trust me it works for me .. I got chased down from Hawaii Kai a few weeks AGO and decided to run got tag at over 130 on a 35 (last light out of HK going townside)... dished into Wikis and there just pull the skin of the lid... stop at a gas station and got the mohack on the lid ... went in got and ICEE and long and behold 2 units were waiting for me by the bike... but even if the bike looked familiar I had already tosed the skin and I left my jacket in the bathroom so they only seen me with my long sleeve shirt and diff lid so ofcourse I got a talking but that was it... since everything else on my scoot is legal... I know that 130+ on a 35 will get you weekend sandwishes :moon:... I ran and got away... and that has made me slow down,,,, and know I'm working with someone I know that will hook me up with a bike wrap (this way in case of trouble I can peel the skin of the bike and get the point:cheerleader:

board 24.JPG
here in louisiana the have a deal calle dgeneral speed law meaning they dont have to actually clock you, but if the think you are speeding they will write a ticket.. but i think it is at one set price doesn't go up the faster you go like a regular speeding ticket ???
I have always wondered about these things. I watched videos from RadarBusters and wondered about the special "Paint" for the headlights. Do you suppose that if this special paint can diffuse the light enough that you could use it to paint the whole bike? Stealth mode, right? And what about radar detector placement? Wouldn't it be better to have remote sensors that could mount on the rear as well as the front?
I like the idea, but it is really expensive. I know, I know. The cost of a ticket plus insurance rates. It's just hard to cough up that much dough.

Ok, the substance you are talking about is called Veil, It's a product that is applied over your headlights to absorb IR.

IMHO Veil is a just a "layer" of security regarding getting tagged by a Lidar speed measuring device. It's been shown to extend the time allotted to you so you can slow down prior to an LEO getting a punch through.

The blinder laser jammer for example offers great protection until you close the gap with an officer. Once this happens, the strength of the Lidar will over power the LEDS on the blinder causing a punch through. (speed reading).

Having veil helps extend your time to slow down because it'll absorb some of the IR light giving your LEDS an edge for a little more distance.

Depending on the type of jammer you have, Veil will either compliment it, serve no purpose or simply do nothing at all.

No jammer + veil = fail
LED jammer + veil = veil gives you added time before Lidar overpowers LEDS.
Laser diode jammer + veil = waste of money as most laser diode jammers can jam more effectively then the ability for veil to even offer any enhanced protection.

My advice is....If you want true jamming capabilities...Get a Laser based jammer. IMO Laser interceptor is the best. You can look at the charts on guys of lidar and even watch a video by one group who tries to trash talk it into the ground and even fudges tests using the LI in attempts of smearing it to promote their own product.

If one company will go out of its way to try to smear the hell out of another company to promote their own product...To me that original company must be doing something right.

Big Franks,

We used to meet wednesday nights at 1030pm for a night speed run. Our crew consisted of mostly workers. (6 of us) that race around at night.

Our schedule has changed since we all got new schedules we trying to come up with a new common ride day again. :) Also a friend got tagged so he's kinda can read about it below..


LOL regarding getting tagged. I'm not worried about that anymore.

Before I got my jammer, I was the true 55MPH guy. (on my busa LOL) once I got the jammer my friends kept pushing me to go faster, go faster and ride up front. LOL

So I decided what the hell, I've tested it enough times to have "faith" in the unit....I ran up front. 11:30pm racing around the whole island.

So we had 5 guys that night. Me, russ, mike, vince and mat. I'm in the lead going 120 constant looking for lasers. I'm far ahead since if I ride in the pack what will happen is a cop will tag me, not get a reading then tag someone else before they had a chance to slow down with me.

We're ripping it all over the island and I get tagged about 3 times that night, I just pull back to 55 and continue to jam his gun. I can see the cop turn his gun as i'm passing often trying to tag me from the rear too (I have a jammer in the back too)

One cop radios in saying I have a jammer so they sent a pacer unit to catch me from behind. LOL...he pulls up behind vince, mat and mike (who pulled back to 55)...blows past them and pulls up behind russ who's behind me...He's doing 85-90. He sees the cop and drops it into fourth and rips it. (I didn't even know the cop was there I thought it was just him ripping it cause we were going over a hill) so I rip it too (to keep his butt in check) LOL and sure enough lights come on and he pulls over...

The cop told him he didn't want him he wanted me but pulled him over cause I was too far ahead, he was trying to get his attention so he'd pull over slow down and he'd past him and get on my tail :D The cop let him off with just a 79+ because his video showed the cop speeding up to pace him but pulled him over before he got a valid pacing recording (cop trying to give him a break to avoid my friend challenging the pacing ticket which he is challenging anyway)

So the next day they have a patrol car shooting laser at the end of my street all day (waiting for me to go to work I guess or just coincidence)

On my way to work I pull out of my driveway, drive like 30 feet and I get lasered..Cop pulls me over (he was really cool) asking all sorts of questions on my jammer etc (which is legal). We talked for about 10 minutes, he asked me what type of jammer it was as he's never seen a jammer jam the gun all the way. Told him it was a blinder and he called my bluff and told me I was bs'ing cause they trained cops to tag blinder jammers (that's why they shoot you from like 300-500 feet instead of the quarter mile they usually get you at). LOL he asked if I could go again and he would put his gun on constant speed detecting and stealth mode.

Jammed his gun again LOL then we spoke a little more then I went to work. He's been on my street for like 4 days now. I see him every day before work. He tried tricking me once by using a state sheriffs patrol gun instead of the hpd gun. I called him on it LOL he was trippin.

Now when I speed I spend more time in my mirror then on the road :D
damn I wish I had the money for one. They sound GREAT. However, I dont know what they use here (lidar, radar) do you know where I can find info like that? (other than talking to a cop lol)
Well New Mexico is K and Ka Band.

There's a chart that has the list but I don't want to link to another board in respects to :)

But I looked it up for you and that's what's in use there. So what I have would be useless there.

A valentine v1 would give you the best protection. Bell Sti-R if you have laws prohibitting the use of a radardetector. The Bell Sti-R has full shielding to prevent detection using the spectre radar detector detector systems.
That's awesome, very cool install pics! :cheerleader:

Laser jammers (also known as laser diffusers) were developed because laser detection was not enough.

Laser jammers are designed to stop a laser from recording your speed for a short period. giving motorcyclists time to adjust their speed safely. They give you a visual and audio alert so you have time to check your speed and, if necessary, safely reduce your speed to the posted limit, before getting a ticket. The manufacturers’ purpose is not to encourage speeding, but to allow people who are following the flow of traffic or who have drifted above the speed limit to adjust to the proper speed before being fined.

Jammers work by recognising which laser has been fired at your car and then transmitting it’s own matching infra-red or laser signal back towards the laser gun. The jammer’s signal confuses the gun, which is unable to calculate the speed of the vehicle and displays an error message or quite simply no speed reading.

It is perfectly normal for an officer using a laser gun to receive error messages all the time, even on cars without jammers, just because the signal has not bounced back correctly. It is not unusual for an operator to have to fire two or three times at a vehicle to obtain a reading. These normal error messages are what jammers replicate.

Thanks for info most interesting!
Must get one!

Ok, the substance you are talking about is called Veil, It's a product that is applied over your headlights to absorb IR.

IMHO Veil is a just a "layer" of security regarding getting tagged by a Lidar speed measuring device. It's been shown to extend the time allotted to you so you can slow down prior to an LEO getting a punch through.

The blinder laser jammer for example offers great protection until you close the gap with an officer. Once this happens, the strength of the Lidar will over power the LEDS on the blinder causing a punch through. (speed reading).

Having veil helps extend your time to slow down because it'll absorb some of the IR light giving your LEDS an edge for a little more distance.

Depending on the type of jammer you have, Veil will either compliment it, serve no purpose or simply do nothing at all.

No jammer + veil = fail
LED jammer + veil = veil gives you added time before Lidar overpowers LEDS.
Laser diode jammer + veil = waste of money as most laser diode jammers can jam more effectively then the ability for veil to even offer any enhanced protection.

My advice is....If you want true jamming capabilities...Get a Laser based jammer. IMO Laser interceptor is the best. You can look at the charts on guys of lidar and even watch a video by one group who tries to trash talk it into the ground and even fudges tests using the LI in attempts of smearing it to promote their own product.

If one company will go out of its way to try to smear the hell out of another company to promote their own product...To me that original company must be doing something right.

Big Franks,

We used to meet wednesday nights at 1030pm for a night speed run. Our crew consisted of mostly workers. (6 of us) that race around at night.

Our schedule has changed since we all got new schedules we trying to come up with a new common ride day again. :) Also a friend got tagged so he's kinda can read about it below..


LOL regarding getting tagged. I'm not worried about that anymore.

Before I got my jammer, I was the true 55MPH guy. (on my busa LOL) once I got the jammer my friends kept pushing me to go faster, go faster and ride up front. LOL

So I decided what the hell, I've tested it enough times to have "faith" in the unit....I ran up front. 11:30pm racing around the whole island.

So we had 5 guys that night. Me, russ, mike, vince and mat. I'm in the lead going 120 constant looking for lasers. I'm far ahead since if I ride in the pack what will happen is a cop will tag me, not get a reading then tag someone else before they had a chance to slow down with me.

We're ripping it all over the island and I get tagged about 3 times that night, I just pull back to 55 and continue to jam his gun. I can see the cop turn his gun as i'm passing often trying to tag me from the rear too (I have a jammer in the back too)

One cop radios in saying I have a jammer so they sent a pacer unit to catch me from behind. LOL...he pulls up behind vince, mat and mike (who pulled back to 55)...blows past them and pulls up behind russ who's behind me...He's doing 85-90. He sees the cop and drops it into fourth and rips it. (I didn't even know the cop was there I thought it was just him ripping it cause we were going over a hill) so I rip it too (to keep his butt in check) LOL and sure enough lights come on and he pulls over...

The cop told him he didn't want him he wanted me but pulled him over cause I was too far ahead, he was trying to get his attention so he'd pull over slow down and he'd past him and get on my tail :D The cop let him off with just a 79+ because his video showed the cop speeding up to pace him but pulled him over before he got a valid pacing recording (cop trying to give him a break to avoid my friend challenging the pacing ticket which he is challenging anyway)

So the next day they have a patrol car shooting laser at the end of my street all day (waiting for me to go to work I guess or just coincidence)

On my way to work I pull out of my driveway, drive like 30 feet and I get lasered..Cop pulls me over (he was really cool) asking all sorts of questions on my jammer etc (which is legal). We talked for about 10 minutes, he asked me what type of jammer it was as he's never seen a jammer jam the gun all the way. Told him it was a blinder and he called my bluff and told me I was bs'ing cause they trained cops to tag blinder jammers (that's why they shoot you from like 300-500 feet instead of the quarter mile they usually get you at). LOL he asked if I could go again and he would put his gun on constant speed detecting and stealth mode.

Jammed his gun again LOL then we spoke a little more then I went to work. He's been on my street for like 4 days now. I see him every day before work. He tried tricking me once by using a state sheriffs patrol gun instead of the hpd gun. I called him on it LOL he was trippin.

Now when I speed I spend more time in my mirror then on the road :D

Actually the cops are a pain with their speed control. One would think they have something better to do like catching robbers or something. The problem is world wide and here in South Africa its no better. They use speed cameras in Johannesburg and I use a Fastags on my licence plate. They are dependent on taking a foto of your licence plate and without a plate they are lost.

BRAH... I got a much more simple solution and doesn't cost me that much and I keep the electrical to a minimum.... I know how it is here and I have a few tricks in my pockets.... when I know that is going to be out of control I just make sure i keep a mohack on my back pocket and i put the ultra light skins on my lid.... trust me it works for me .. I got chased down from Hawaii Kai a few weeks AGO and decided to run got tag at over 130 on a 35 (last light out of HK going townside)... dished into Wikis and there just pull the skin of the lid... stop at a gas station and got the mohack on the lid ... went in got and ICEE and long and behold 2 units were waiting for me by the bike... but even if the bike looked familiar I had already tosed the skin and I left my jacket in the bathroom so they only seen me with my long sleeve shirt and diff lid so ofcourse I got a talking but that was it... since everything else on my scoot is legal... I know that 130+ on a 35 will get you weekend sandwishes :moon:... I ran and got away... and that has made me slow down,,,, and know I'm working with someone I know that will hook me up with a bike wrap (this way in case of trouble I can peel the skin of the bike and get the point:cheerleader:

I simply wait for a big vechile to go in the required direction. Tuck in behind it and sneak past. They don't see you until too late and then cannot stop you because of the vechile in front of you. If you see they want to give chase just open up turn off when out of sight and let them pass. They really have no chance against a fast bike.

Sure, It's the Laser Interceptor. There are two heads included. One on the front, one on the back. It's all you really need for a bike. I think trying to squeeze two more on there would be overkill. It is upgradeable to 4 laser diodes if you wish to add more coverage.

Just type laser intereptor on youtube you can see how it's mounted on various vehicles and how it performs etc.

QUESTION FOR YOU: You indicate that it gives you an audible alert and you also indicated that you communicate with friends using a Chatter Box. So where are you hearing the jammer information from? Is it Blue tooth to the Chatter Box, or do you plug something into the Chatter Box? Or do you have something in the helmet in addition to the Chatter Box speakers?

How much do these Jammers go for?
Good stuff! :thumbsup:

Now why don't jammer mfrs make one that will send a 'legal speed' signal back. It'd be nice if you could configure them to return a 70mph or 55mph signal back to the cop. That way you wouldn't have to worry about shutting the unit off...just getting slowed back down....of course I don't know what to do about sending back a signal of say 55mph when you're in a 35mph zone...LOL...but generally the only time you need this type of device is when you're on a highway where the speed limit is higher anyway. Just a thought.
Hey Darkflame,

"There's a chart that has the list but I don't want to link to another board in respects to"

Can you tell me what's in use up here in the Great White North in New Hampshire and Vermont?
Hey Darkflame,

"There's a chart that has the list but I don't want to link to another board in respects to"

Can you tell me what's in use up here in the Great White North in New Hampshire and Vermont?

New Hampshire
Amherst: K, Ka [35.5]
Auburn: K, Ka
Bedford: K, Ka[35.5], Laser(unconfirmed)
Brentwood: K (Decatur), may be getting a Charger soon
Candia: Ka
Charlestown: K
Claremont: K
Concord: K, Ka[35.5]
Derry: K, Ka [35.5 Talon II]
Dover: K
Durham: K, Ka
Epping: Ka (35.5)
Fremont: Ka
Greenfield: K
Hampton: K
Hollis: K, Ka
Hopkinton: K
Hudson: K, Ka
Keene: Ka
Lee: Ka 35.5, plus a K band speed sign
Londonderry: K
Madbury: Ka 35.5
Manchester: K [Kustom], Ka[35.5 Decatur], Laser [PL III].
Mason: K
Merrimack: K (no laser at present) (updated 06/17/2008)
Nashua: K, Laser (updated 06/17/2008)
Newport: K
Pelham: K [Decatur?], Ka
Plaistow: Ka [Talon]
Portsmouth: Ka[35.5]
Raymond: Ka
Salem: K, Ka [Kustom, Decatur]
State Troopers: Ka [Stalker], K [Decatur], Laser [PL II/III], also have some new marked Chargers. Also, an Ultralyte Compact has been sighted near exit 2 on route 101 in the Manchester/Auburn area.
Weare: K
Windham: K, Ka

Barre: Ka (updated 05/28/2008)
Hartford: Laser
Mendon: Laser, K
Milton: K (Kustom Pro-1000)
state police: laser

- Rutland County

Rutland: Ka
State: Ka, K

QUESTION FOR YOU: You indicate that it gives you an audible alert and you also indicated that you communicate with friends using a Chatter Box. So where are you hearing the jammer information from? Is it Blue tooth to the Chatter Box, or do you plug something into the Chatter Box? Or do you have something in the helmet in addition to the Chatter Box speakers?

How much do these Jammers go for?

I use a autocomm, Actually I screwed up my jammers audio output circuit when I hooked it up to the autocom. The LI uses a TDA7052 preamp IC that can't be grounded. It burned the IC but I fixed it by replacing that IC chip on the board.

You have 4 options to receiving an alert.
1. The devices onboard speaker (not good on a bike)
2. Wiring the speaker out wires to your headphones (what I was doing originally)
3. Mounting a peizo speaker that screams when the jammers are firing.
4. Mounting a ultrabright led that turns on when the jammers are firing.

I tried to do #2 by wiring the wires to an autocomm. Bad move....I fixed it though and now have it wired to an autocomm by running one wire from the speaker out to a 100uf capacitor, this then goes to the L+R channels of the jack and the ground pin is grounded directly to the TDA7052 preamp IC on pin 6.

I also have a DPDT switch that controls the jammer, On1 off on2.
on1 turns the jammer on with the LED, on2 turns the jammer on with the peizo + LED

Cost of the jammers depends on the brand and type. There are two types.
LED based jammers and Laser Diode based jammers.

LED based jammers like blinder go for about 450. They offer decent protection from a distance but if you get too close or if an officer waits too long to tag you, the closure in distance will allow an officer to get a reading despite you having a jammer.

Laser Diode jammers use a laser to jam a laser. If the jamming algorithms are properly written you can JTG (jam to gun). The LI has the highest rank in terms of jamming to gun.

Of all the laser guns that are in use in the US, the LI is the only one that can jam every gun at any distance.

In europe some of their guns got readings but it was only at like 50 feet away and by then you would have well known there was a cop there since they can get readings on you from 2500 feet away if you have no jammer.

Good stuff! :thumbsup:

Now why don't jammer mfrs make one that will send a 'legal speed' signal back. It'd be nice if you could configure them to return a 70mph or 55mph signal back to the cop. That way you wouldn't have to worry about shutting the unit off...just getting slowed back down....of course I don't know what to do about sending back a signal of say 55mph when you're in a 35mph zone...LOL...but generally the only time you need this type of device is when you're on a highway where the speed limit is higher anyway. Just a thought.

Not possible.

Speed is measured by calculating the time it takes for a pulse of light to travel to your vehicle and back to the lidar device. The lidar guns shoot a series of pulses (100-280 pulses per second depending on gun). As each pulse returns a computer will determine the length of time it took to return.

It looks something like this.

.000000392839 seconds to return
.000000391870 seconds to return
.000000388925 seconds to return
.000000381958 seconds to return
and so forth till you get about 30-40 readings.

Then it calculates that and says based on the speed on light, you are traveling at 40MPH.

Now to jam a gun all you have to do is detect a Lidar laser firing and respond back with a pulse that is in sync pulse wise but out of sync time wise.

Now a gun see's this.
.000000392839 seconds to return
.000000293870 seconds to return
.000000388925 seconds to return
.000000111958 seconds to return

It essentially makes a gun go WTF?

To do what you are asking you would need to send a reflection back to the Lidar at the same pulse rate but slower in response time. The problem with that is based on the speed of light, the lidar would have attempted to compute your true speed before it even cared to look at your sync pulse because you would have reflected back it's original pulse faster then you would have sent your own pulse. (a delay is what would indicate you're speed was lower then it actually was) it will result in a out of sync jam. Plus, you'd have to see the laser so you could attempt to send a fake speed. Problem is that by the time you "see the light", it's already on it's way back to the lidar device, once you fire your laser back, your pulse of light is already behind the original. You'll always come in second place.

Physics would tell you to reflect the light back sooner would effectively allow you to fake your speed to where you were going faster then you really were but it wouldn't work anyway because the lidar would pick up your first pulse then throw the gun out of sync. Again going with the "you have to see it before you can jam it" this won't work either. Then you have to take in to effect you have to calculate your actual speed then compute the speed you want to mask as and send that back in sync with the gun. Your lidar device will see more pulses then it's firing. It won't add up.

The LI is smart that it reads the first few pulses to determine the amount of PPS then sends a signal to match that PPS but offset it enough to where the pulses make sense, just the distance over time seems off..

The gun just thinks you're waving the laser around but not really focusing on anything so it keeps sending fresh pulses trying to again do a distance over time calculation.

If you're still lost as to how you shift time without affecting pulses per second here's a simplest of examples.

To calculate speed. You need a reference point, the speed of light is what we use.
To calculate speed. You need two references. The time it takes for a beam of light to hit a reflective surface and return to you. Do this twice and you got a speed reading.

For the sake of error correction you need as much references as you can to discredit the possibility of panning from a tree in the distance to a car on the freeway as example.

So let's just say we need 5 pulses to compute a valid reading.

I fire 5 pulses per second. That's 20ms / pulse
1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5...speed determined!

Let's say you want to jam a laser,
You see. fire 1, you see 2. you fire 2, you see 3, you fire 3 etc...

This is what is seen across the baord.

The lidar generates a jam code.
There's 8 pulses in that sequence.
the LI does this.
1....(check pps=???)2....(check pps=20ms)33...4444.55...
20ms 20ms 20ms20ms20ms

That's 5 pulses, pulse 3, 4 and 5 are seen still as only one pulse but the time between pulses is affected due to the LI firing back at a slight offset. This confuses the gun, the time between pulses 1 and 2 make sense but 3 4 5 don't. so it tries again.

I hope that helps :D sorry I can't sleep that's why I typed this boring post :D
WOW! Thanks for all that KA band laser? That's all I see up here...

I got a Belltronics Vector 995 on the center stand of my bike with a peizo speaker plugged's saved my bacon too many times!

Only got nailed once when they painted me (105 in a 55 work zone..$$$)
only after the Tropper saw me....I can see how a Laser Interceptor would have blocked that!
Took it to court and the Tropper didn't show up...dismissed!
I'm a lucky boy!
where can we find this chart? I wouldn't think Doug would have a problem with you putting out this info. Or can you send me a PM so I can check OR and WA?
Excellent post and write up... welcome to the world of jamming! I would also like to add that as a current owner of the following systems, Bel LP-904, Escort Passport (zr3 & 4), Blinder (M20, M25, M45) you do in deed get what you pay for... Never had a ticket yet for speeding! IF you spend a little money up front you will be very happy in the long run. I would like to add that the newest version of Blinder has had better results than even those listed in the July 08 test...
Putting the Blinder M25 on my K8 this week..