Last post on my bike I swear.


If that bike was mine I would feel the same way-get rid of it before it kills you. At the very least the Hayabusa will make the ZX12 be a much better bike than it might have been. It's a shame you got such a lemon and couldn't have the fun the rest of us are having. Go for the ZX12. No doubt it will be a rocket too!
Well guys, you are probably tired of hearing my stories since I seem to be the only one in the world having a problem with the busa. Read my other posts if you don't know the story, anyway heres the latest.

I just got my bike back tonight after the temp sensor on the radiator blew. (Part was on back order) Anyway, another guy from American suzuki called me last week and we made a deal. Basically I told him that since the bike was rebuilt and I can now hear a clanking noise that wasn't there before, and since I have lucked out TWICE on this bike because I was going really slow when the other crap happened, I didn't want this bike. I didn't trust this bike and this is definitely NOT the bike to be on if you don't feel right on it. I told him to either get me a new one or buy this one back. Apparently all of the 99 busas are spoken for by dealers or whatever, so they are buying my bike back. I have to get them some info to settle up, but I figured I could at least ride it for this weekend before I gave it back.

Well guess what. Guess third time is a charm. I was riding around with a girlfriend on the back, my buddy was riding my 750 gixxer, we had just flipped a U turn and I was getting on it a little when I hear a familiar noise. THIS DIRTY MFer LOCKED UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Same damn thing as last time. THANK GOD for experience I guess cause I was able to bring it to a stop without dumping me her or the bike. I left about 30 feet or so of full skid marks. First gear is screwed. If the bike is in first it will lock up the back tire. I put it into neutral and it would engage what I am assuming is second gear. I was able to limp it home in this state. (neutral light on but only partially engaging the clutch) When I got home I tried shifting to the other gears and it seemed to hit all of the upper gears. First gear is still screwed.

I'm going to have my dealer come and get the damn thing in the morning. Im not trying to badmouth the bike because this is too much of a coincidence. This has to be a problem with my specific bike. Seems like everyone else here is doing fine with their bikes. I love the power/torque this thing has, but like I said, I don't trust it. I don't know what suzuki's plans are with the bike when they get it back, but I am assuming they are going to sell it again. Beware if you are buying a used one! There is something very wrong with this bike. If I was them I would strip it down and part it out for fairings etc. Anyway I'm done with this bike.

I'm either going to put a turbo on my 750 or wait for the mad Kaw to come out. I hope you guys don't kick me off the site for saying that. I fell in love with the huge displacement, man it was fun. Anyway I'll let you know if the Kaw is all its cracked up to be. Drive safe!!!!
Please let us know the VIN# so if it shows up somewhere it can be avoided like the plague.
I have only a dragging clutch to complain about, trany works great no false nuetrals. What have you used for oil and what do you have for mileage.
You did the right thing.
I assume they will tear it apart to study the flaw. The engine & trans would go back to Japan.

I hope you have better luck with the next one
To bad you can't stamp MFG some where on the engine or tranny so we know that's the used jinks bike,like the other posting VIN number posting would be nice.Good Luck on your new bike what ever you get.Maybe the Hayabusa 750 year 2000 model.