LCD Screen

2 problems with what I am seeing....

the 7" will be shining in his face at night and if the wind hits it wrong at real speeds I bet it will result in damage. Neat for a show bike but bad in reality...and let's not even begin to mention water and rain exposure

Most states require mirrors...mirrors. Directly replacing the mirror glass with a screen negates the term....if stopped, expect a ticket.

In hawaii, mirrors are only required if your vision sucks and you can't pass the eye exam test they give you at the DMV.

Then they give you a B restriction which means "Outside mirror".
i live in honolulu and my glasses are so thick that I can see wikiki from inside my garage with the door :laugh:
Here's the best way to do it, at least in my opinion. Find one or two 3X3 monitors. Remove your mirrors from the bike, then remove the mirror itself from the mirror encloser. Sandblast the backside of the mirror. This removes the reflective part of th mirror and allows you to see what is behind it. Mount the moniters inside the mirror encloser and remount the mirror. You will have to drill a small hole in the encloser for the wires and seal in with some black RTV. You can then use the mirrors with a rear facing cam and/or a video plays with the use of a switch. By doing it this way you can seal the moniter making it waterproof. Looks really good to. I'll post some pics when I complete the mod.
Here's the best way to do it, at least in my opinion. Find one or two 3X3 monitors. Remove your mirrors from the bike, then remove the mirror itself from the mirror encloser. Sandblast the backside of the mirror. This removes the reflective part of th mirror and allows you to see what is behind it. Mount the moniters inside the mirror encloser and remount the mirror. You will have to drill a small hole in the encloser for the wires and seal in with some black RTV. You can then use the mirrors with a rear facing cam and/or a video plays with the use of a switch. By doing it this way you can seal the moniter making it waterproof. Looks really good to. I'll post some pics when I complete the mod.

Cool!:thumbsup: What monitors did you find? :please:
I have thought about using a couple iPods, but still lookingat other options.

IPODS? Now I am confused. How can you fit IPODs in the mirror housings? Moreover, how can you hook the camera(s) to IPODs, or were you planning to do that?
Here's the best way to do it, at least in my opinion. Find one or two 3X3 monitors. Remove your mirrors from the bike, then remove the mirror itself from the mirror encloser. Sandblast the backside of the mirror. This removes the reflective part of th mirror and allows you to see what is behind it. Mount the moniters inside the mirror encloser and remount the mirror. You will have to drill a small hole in the encloser for the wires and seal in with some black RTV. You can then use the mirrors with a rear facing cam and/or a video plays with the use of a switch. By doing it this way you can seal the moniter making it waterproof. Looks really good to. I'll post some pics when I complete the mod.

I want to see a mirror you sandblasted and didn't mess up.

Sand blasting in the manner described would mark the glass and make it look "frosted"

Heat your stock mirrors and the glass will pop out with some help..

take them to a glass specialty shop...they will have a chemical adhesion remover that when soaked the film will basically fall off

Have them apply one way mirrored glass film(security glass) to the lense once the old film is removed.

With the way the hayabusa mirrors are designed....unless you seal the glass itself...the mirror will NEVER be truly water proof.
2 problems with what I am seeing....

the 7" will be shining in his face at night and if the wind hits it wrong at real speeds I bet it will result in damage. Neat for a show bike but bad in reality...and let's not even begin to mention water and rain exposure

Most states require mirrors...mirrors. Directly replacing the mirror glass with a screen negates the term....if stopped, expect a ticket.

In most states only ONE mirror is required, as a matter of fact I can't think of any state that requires two
I am attempting to accomplish this very mod as we speak.
I am mounting a high res color rear facing camera and a motorized 7" LCD screen on the top of my tank in front of my filler cap, thus rendering the useless rear view mirrors just that.... useless. All they do now is give me a really clear view of my shoulders. ha ha

i am buying a whole separate tank to encase and to all my prep work to. This is not just going to be suctioned on, i am building a sub-frame and fiberglassing it as close to the bikes lines as i possibly can. the whole screen assembly is no bigger than a car stereo deck, it slides out and tilts up automatically.

you can see a few pictures of the idea i have on this link....

Hayabusa Tank LCD screen - ?? Ever seen it? - Pashnit Motorcycle Forum

that's an awesome looking bike uve got there :thumbsup:
just a quick update, my tank/plastics are at the airbrush artists shop right now. it may take a couple of months, but i think you guys are going to be blown away at his skills with an airbrush!
l'll take lots of pics, and try to remember how to post them(been a while)
I did in fact do this back in 2007, but have recently taken them back off...
I would highly suggest keeping your mirrors on too though(during the day you absolutly will not be able to see the screens as the sunlight is much brighter then the tft/lcd's are), what you can do is get a 2x3 inch tft screen and put it inside the stock mirrors...then you get a new mirror made that is a 2 way, and when the camera is on you will see the screens and when not you will see the mirror, anouther cool mod is if you have an iPod video you can play your movies or videos while your parked!if you want to know how to hook any of them up pm me, also you HAVE TO USE A REVERSE image camera(actual back up cam) on the back otherwise the left will be the right and visa versa....also night vision isn't really necessarily as anything coming up behind you will have headlights and the IR emitters will make the camera housing much larger and not so hidden just find a low lux camera something like .5 lux because the other thing IR emitting cameras do is they make your view at night black and white
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Just trade the Busa, your house,your car and your first born in on the Y2K bike, dont think those bikes have a cool forum like this one tho