leaking from water pump


ive taken it back off and looked around and cant figure our how to stop it from leaking, its coming from where it goes into the engine, not the 2 halfs
there is a hole near on the other side of the gasket from the oil hole that the coolant is coming out of, is there something that suppose to cover it?
Check the oil for any signs of coolant . if the oil is a cream color most likely the shaft seal is bad. or the pump case is cracked.
i had a simular problem on my genII the back half where the shaft comes out of the pump , the case was cracked and was leaking coolant into the oil pan.
I dont know if you can replace just that shaft seal or you need to replace the whole water pump. if the seal isnt serviceable then the pump is expensive.
when i put it in where the coolant hole is wont go flush with the case but the mounting bolts are all the way in


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naw the coolant hole, im not sure if its supposed to be covered or not but when the water pump is installed that hole is open and the coolant comes out of it..... im thinking that it might be like a high pressure valve or something in that sort.. but like i said when the ump is installed that hole is open and showing
this is it, i cant figure how to get it to go in flush.....

Hmmm ya got me on that one,dont know what would cause that. I dont think that there is anything thats supposed to cover that hole.
i dont know what it could be cause as u can see the mounts are flush and it cant go in no farther.. the rod or what eva its called doesnt move.

when i fill the radiator and i *burp* it, it starts drainning out from the hole, no pressure is need for it to come out
the shaft mite not be properly seated into the oil pump. that shaft goes thru the case to the oil pump and thats what drives the water pump. take the pump out and rotate the shaft a little bit until it seats, that should alow it to go all the way in.