Learned a valuable lesson today.

I've been telling myself I'm going to slow down, but last weekend Brian and I and his friend (who just bought a 636) went riding. We took my favorite 20 mile strait stretch through the Green Swamp and of course I had to hit superspeed a few times. We stopped at a gas station for a soda then before we took off again, I told them that I wanted to keep the speed down and we did. We rounded a bend on a state hwy and there was a trooper. PTL I was doing exactly the speed limit.

On another note, every time I have tried to show off for someone, I've done something stupid. I make it a point now to try not to show off.

Oh yeah.. been there done that.. sometimes you do stupid stuff and afterward you just think "ok, WHY did I pull THAT stunt!!"

Keep in mind, sometimes people egg you on just to see if you will do something stupid.
your lucky
yeah,,, every redlight... "hey man do a wheelie.."

i always just say "you first."

normally they laugh and everybody goes their own way..

had a guy want me to rev it up... so i cranked it about 4,000 rpms and said thats about it... he just laughed again and gunned his grand am... yeah thats all mines got and I ain't just BSin'.. lol

that was kinda funny i thought so I actually did rail it up to about 9,000 since I wasn't actually doing anything "wrong"...

he just said it sounded awesome i said thanks,, yours sounds pretyt mean too... he laughed.. said yeah right and then we both went on our merry ways.
like all have said, we all do it from time to time.. okay maybe all the time for some.
Temtation takes over, and you hit that fight or flight sendrome, and punch it. Luckly it all worked out for you in the end.
Well...I wasn't quite so lucky...passed 2 state troppers on HOG's last week on my 10R while crossing a double at 100....ouch...got arrested and got dragged in before the judge...he wasn't too happy either...now I think 2X before stupid sh-t like that...
Like ( Ego ) .. I have found myself , after getting asked (1) or (2) of those "fabled' Ques.. "Hey Mr. lets see yah do a wheelie!! " or .." Hey Mr. do a burnout !! " ..ok from that point on ..I usually ..lower my head n shake it a bit ..then I lookover to the "offending" ..individual n ask .. " Hey Jr. tell ur ( Mom or Dad) to see if that plasticfantastic SUV.. your in ..can climb a 45% grade ..or do a burn out .. or whens the last time you drove.. on a dirt road ..for that matter !!!!! .. once i had a ( teen ) ..wack his Dad n tell him to do a burnout..
needless to say .. the toad of a SUV(x-plorer) couldn't do it.. so I say to the ( teen ) n Dad..yah need to " put up" ..or " shut up" .. then I smile ..
then say have a "nice day " .. ..then ( ever so slowly ) .. let the clutch out..n drive away..
I like to nail it and rail it as much as anybody but the trick is when and where to do it sanely. I've become v-e-r-y picky about the when and where part and that allows me to go home safely (without citations) and still have my "fun". Glad you dodged the bullet and got it figured out.
I'm EXACTLY the same way...
Funny thing though (as I knock on wood...), I've never gotten a ticket on the Busa in the 3+ years I've had it. Go figure!
Funny thing though (as I knock on wood...), I've never gotten a ticket on the Busa in the 3+ years I've had it.  Go figure![/QUOTE]

You gotta be making good decisions--your system works.  
This morning on the way to work, something similar happened to me. There is a place I ussually gun it to about 130 then slow down. This morning a Sherif was pulling up right at the upcomming intersection ahead of me and saw I was flying. (ths is out in the countryside by the way, I would never do this in a populated area.)

Well, he wasn't able to gun me but followed me for about 5 miles making me very nervous, but finally broke off.

Makes you think twice.
hi my name is dennis and i have been a throttle holic for ........

do i get coin now, or is there even a 12 step program for us yet