Leather Jacket


Since this is the time of year for giving I thought I'd treat myself to a present. I'm looking for a leather jacket but after going through a few online catalogs it looks like I either have to want to look like Rickey Racer with some wild graphics or I have to look like The Rebel Without a Clue with all the chrome zippers and studs and the 5 inch thick waist belt. I don't want to walk into a room full of people and have the music screech to a stop. I just want to protect myself. Does anyone know where I can find a calm brown leather jacket that can be worn out on the town or out on the expressway? Something like the bomber jacket Tom Cruise had in Top Gun except a little heavier leather in case of a spill.
Navy flight used in Top Gun movie plenty heavy. Problem is if you go down, and slide feet first, that type of jacket will ride up your back. Then, it doesn't matter too much how thick the leather is.
Bomber jackets are too loose to help much. Better than nothing, but a "motorcycle" type jacket will protect you better. There are some, less flashy, solid black is probably the easiest to find. I wore a bomber jacket for years riding. They flap quite a bit when you go fast. And they rip REAL easy.
I've been looking for a Jacket too. I own a Copper Busa, so I was thinking of getting something that matches my bike, but then I came to the conclusion that the jacket is gonna last longer that the bike will, or that I might change my bike to a different color one. So, I think that the best bet is to get a black mototrcycle jacket. I'm debating between pilot and joe Rocket.
Also Look at the Yoshimura web site,,They make a Black/Gray Jacket Put out By Pilot Leathers, with the Yosh symbol on it.

Looks Great & it matches my Duplex Race system.

Vanson is good also,look for a jacket with Hard Elbow protection,,or one that you can replace the inner foam pads with Hard.

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I saw some nice brown leather at the Vanson outlet in Fall River MA. The Harley place out on the Carlisle Pike (PA USA) has Vanson for what that's worth to you.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 24 December 1999).]
Fashion and function doesn't much work on the streets. You're better off with a bike jacket. If you're dead set on a flight-type jacket you can find a high quality, well priced one at cabelas.com. I got one there in a "tall" for $200 bucks. Great quality and good fit and finish. I do NOT ride in it as it flaps and bags in the wind. You really need two jackets. Pick Vanson or Firstgear with protection and a waist belt. One good slide and you'll forget fashion.
I'll second that for sure. Vanson makes a lot of black/brown subtle motorcycle gear. And it crashes great! Vanson is my personal fave but Bates makes some nice tough leathers too. I just find Vanson to be a better fit(Teamster build,5'11" 206, 52 inch chest 36 inch waist) and a little heavier leather. Great armor too!