Curious if anyone else has experienced intermittent issues with the 3 buttons on the left handlebar control switch (the mode select, up and down buttons)? On my 22, the left buttons only works a small fraction of the time now, was interesting the first time i realized this testing rolling antilag and it released when it wanted to. I know of 2 other guys with similar, though its down button on Jordans, and center mode select on Colts bike.
just curious if anyone else has had an issue with them. For sure I play with the buttons a lot with all of the testing (monkeying) I do, but wouldn't think 1 season of riding a few thousand miles would kill it LOL.
just curious if anyone else has had an issue with them. For sure I play with the buttons a lot with all of the testing (monkeying) I do, but wouldn't think 1 season of riding a few thousand miles would kill it LOL.