Let it snow...

i had to cancel going and picking the kids up in west virgina as the mother was driveing up from south carolina and there is no way they would be able to handle this. plus im sure most of the roads got closed...but we found flights on a 1 day notice 1 way for only 119 bucks...cheaper than what she would have had to pay to rent a car...so ill see him tomorrow and only have to drive 1 hour to get him instead of 8+
I went to work today but we all got sent home at around 2:00 pm.

Here's our deck.
Nice socks.....:rofl:
Hating it. I get the driveway done with the snowblower, hit the sidewalks and the old neighbor behind me, come back, and 2 more inches in the driveway...I give up...
My GF and a friend of hers had to go to NC last wednesday to see a family member that was in an accident. She was supossed to come back sunday, she cant. I dont think he mustang will make it through the snow, guarantee it wont with her driving. Not a slam on her or gals for that matter, she has very limited snow driving experience.
I hate snow, ice, cold weather, everything to do with winter in general. Haven't rode the Busa in well over a month now, but still wouldn't want to live in the south where it's flat, straight, and boring.
I'll wait, spring will come eventually, then we'll ride.:thumbsup:
Yep realy dropping it here in Hagerstown, Md. About 2ft now. Glad the Wife an I both have 4x4s ( H3 & F150 ) both with 35s. No problemo getting out to her Dads funeral. Ive cleared the drive twice and its all back AGAIN. THis is at 2:00 today. He was looking for his soccer ball and gave up after hopping like a huge bunny for a while not finding the ball. Now the snow is over his back and will only go out to pee just past the door, To cold on his junk...:rofl:




Dang, look at that snow!

Week ago we had 16 inches in about 6 hours. Melts within days though. :(






haha big tires are a no no in the snow.

Actually, mine do really well in the deep stuff...it's when you get onto the graded portion that thinner tires seem to do better~!~

I turn around and go back to the deep stuff and feels right at home, need a lift in this stuff so the under carriage (as Jessica Simpson puts it) doesn't push so much snow~!~ :laugh:

I sit a lot higher than stock and still packed the grill pretty good, Mickey's did great