lets say i break into your house


Never Forgotten
A lady wrote the best letter in the editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave..
But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors.
I've done all the things you don't like to do.
I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me and to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself.
I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house.
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me.

Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America ....you agree, If not blow it off......... along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things.
very nice

there two sides to ever story.
i do not support the ideal of someone sneaking in this country and working, then sending there money back home.
now if they come here and try to join our society, learn to speak english.
work on getting legal with the goverment, pay there taxs. i do not have a problem with that. as much as everone does not want to hear this if you are white or black you are from an illegal bunch of imagrants years back that took this country from the indians.
here in the south from 1st hand experence the above statement is not true
i have seen mexicans that work here, and that is all they do work, they are doing jobs no true american wants. this is the other side of the story the media does not tell about either. there are some good mexican people in this country that have come to make a new life, and of course there are some scum here also.
That lady rocks!! Someone illegal or not breaks into my house will be shot. No questions asked and no warning!
(thepushercg @ Mar. 11 2007,07:44) there two sides to ever story.
i do not support the ideal of someone sneaking in this country and working, then sending there money back home.
now if they come here and try to join our society, learn to speak english.
work on getting legal with the goverment, pay there taxs. i do not have a problem with that. as much as everone does not want to hear this if you are white or black you are from an illegal bunch of imagrants years back that took this country from the indians.
here in the south from 1st hand experence the above statement is not true
i have seen mexicans that work here, and that is all they do work, they are doing jobs no true american wants. this is the other side of the story the media does not tell about either. there are some good mexican people in this country that have come to make a new life, and of course there are some scum here also.
You make valid points, however, one thing always remains: illegal aliens are here . . .

. . . illegally.

Pray tell, how do we get past that? Amnesty rewards the criminality. Deportation of illegals and securing our borders and shores makes our lettuce prices go up 10,000%.

Bear in mind, it isn't just Latinos, either. It's all countries, make no mistake. In CA, you can take the driver license test in any one of about 20 or more languages.

There is no happy answer to this problem but one thing which remains is that this country belongs to Americans. NO other country should feel that the United States is world property to be used by anyone at their whim.

One thing which remains that muddies the water more fiercely than anything else is this:

The greatest asset of any country or company or society is PEOPLE! The strength of the U.S. was ensured because of our willingness to allow just about anyone into the country. As a result, it grew and filled up the borders and next thing you know, we're a world power.

Compare to Europe over the last 30 years which has a net negative population growth and now, they're hurting badly in an economic sense. They need people. They can't get any so they are now suffering the consequences of it and it's only likely to get worse.

Back to people being the greatest asset of any country. That only applies if you utilize them effectively. Mexico does not. Many African nations do not. Many Asian countries do not. As a result, they lose that asset when the people die off or emigrate. Worse, those same people become a liability and are viewed and treated as such.

This is strictly the economic side of the question. There are cultural issues as well.

Language is the biggest one of all. If you come to this country and fail to learn the language, it has an adverse effect on yourself and those around you. You cannot do as many economic transactions as a person who knows the language. If you live in a community of others who live with your language, you soon find that you've enclosed yourself in a small area (geographically or socially) wherein those who speak both languages can take advantage of you quite easily. Happens all the time, especially with Asian cultures who immigrate here.

The overall effect of a closed off section within a state where language is concerned is, it creates divisiveness among Americans which translates directly to weakness. It is this type of weakness which virtually eliminates much of the economic benefit there is to having people added to the population.

I realize it is not pleasant to talk of people as assets or economic "units." But whenever you talk of society, you're referring to people as "the masses" and it is no longer possible to view them as the same one-on-one human beings you see living next to you every day. It's the unfortunate nature of the reality of dealing with large numbers of people as opposed to working with people singly.

Ultimately, I suspect that will not come to agreement on this issue as a society but remember this: This is a great country, otherwise, people wouldn't be trying to get into it. Also, I leave you with a common anecdote: A buddy of mine in Southern California has a gardner who is an illegal alien of 20+ years. He complains vociferously about all the "wetbacks" who are coming into the country and making it harder for him to make a living.

(thepushercg @ Mar. 11 2007,11:44) as much as everone does not want to hear this if you are white or black you are from an illegal bunch of imagrants years back that took this country from the indians.
That is only a half-true statement you just made. Not looking to start any drama, but that statement is not ENTIRELY true.
(bacharles @ Mar. 11 2007,13:55)
(thepushercg @ Mar. 11 2007,11:44) as much as everone does not want to hear this if you are white or black you are from an illegal bunch of imagrants years back that took this country from the indians.
That is only a half-true statement you just made.  Not looking to start any drama, but that statement is not ENTIRELY true.
Gotta agree. Only half true. You are forgetting that the blacks were never illegal. They were forced to come here, not by choice. Just my .02
Another thing everyone seems to forget. The Native Americans are not truly native. They migrated (or immigrated) from Russia across the peninsula when there was a land bridge aeons ago. We dont really know who was here first. And does that make it theirs? First come first serve? The first group that got here owns it all and the rest are illegal?
its a bad situation any which way you cut it.
theres an answer i heard either on here or somewhere that is this.
take each illegal alien, give him or her a gun send them to iraq for two years. if they make it out, there automatic citizens.
now if they refuse to go, send them anyway without a gun.
wouldnt that solve it ? of course it would till some bleeding heart liberal spoke up how there getting treaded so bad...
im all for someone making a new life, but do it my the laws of the land.
yeah we need a soldiers now...not the house keeper...so, let them over to Iraq, and if they do a good job...let em live here...after the situations are over...thats fair right?
i dont like the idea that someone can reep our bene's that we've worked all our life for....
Some comedian had a funny take on Immigration... Let every Latino immigrate legally to this Country... Then draft every single one and invade Mexico with no exit strategy.

Just repeating something I heard or read can't remember which.
(jessup @ Mar. 11 2007,22:38) Some comedian had a funny take on Immigration... Let every Latino immigrate legally to this Country... Then draft every single one and invade Mexico with no exit strategy.

Just repeating something I heard or read can't remember which.
(jessup @ Mar. 11 2007,22:38) Some comedian had a funny take on Immigration...  Let every Latino immigrate legally to this Country... Then draft every single one and invade Mexico with no exit strategy.  

Just repeating something I heard or read can't remember which.
I've had a theory for a while now: If they catch an illegal alien here, don't deport him. Hand him a rifle and put him in boot camp, then a 2 yr tour in Iraq. Serve this country honorably and learn english, and all the paperwork for your legal citizinship will be waiting for you when you get back here.

I completely disagree with them doing jobs no other American would want. There are tons of RV places near me, and a lot of them are staffed by illegals. Also, ICE did a raid of a local business last week and rounded up 36 illegals - the very next day there were about 150 people in a line in front of the company waiting to get (and turn in) applications for employment.
This is bull s...!!!They won't learn the language,don't have to pay taxes,thinks the state & government owes them something,will not take responsibility for there actions,the police won't do nothing at times when their breaking the law[me & you would go to jail]cause the state will turn them free [does that make sense?]school teachers have to learn language if they don't know it,some banks have a special lines for them,school kids get confused in class when the teacher says a sentance in 2 differant languages.while NOT paying taxes,they get welfare checks & food stamps[WE PAY FOR ALL OF IT]THEY ARE STEELING FROM US AND GETTING BY WITH IT!!! What makes them think their so special?

Just a very small example here in INDY,I'm sure other places are worse.
If you want to live here,learn the language,pay taxs,become a citizen,OR GET OUT!!!!!!!!OR




Makes me sick to think that my son, as a SOLDIER & all other military personel,are providing them FREEDOM,IN THIS COUNTRY,for free.Freedom is not free!!!Why do they get it,we don't.

