Let's see... How long is your daily commute?

Ha !

Laugh my A$$ off !

The winner,
@Yellow09 !

#emwdRetiRed *


My beautiful wife has less than 2 years working at www.emwd.oRg ~ then her 3 mile daily commute will be over *

Bicycled , driven , scootered , skateboarded , ran & walked ~ feel the pain of everyone that has a long commute *
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That is a very peaceful commute there. The only time the streets look that bare here is on holidays when school is out. Then its smooth sailing. I think it was the same temperature there this morning as it was by you.
It's not a difficult commute by any means, and I enjoy my decompression time. Living in the sticks has advantages, I grew up in SoCal, when people here complain about traffic I just laugh.....
I'm about 15 kms from the office.
If I drive around 40 mins.
Bike, about 25-30 with lane splitting at the traffic lights
If I leave early, it knocks about 10-15 minutes off either
Train and 1km walk in, about an hour.
This time of year, I prefer to train and walk in.
50 miles each way and takes about an hour,but I leave the house at 4:30AM to beat the rush hour,if I waited until 5:30-6:00AM it could easily take 2-3 hours to cover that 50 miles.
Being busy is a good thing in retirement. A couple of my dad's friends are miserable in retirement and it's mainly because they have nothing to do. Young or old having a purpose is important.
You are correct, I always keep busy, sometimes busier than when I was working.

I look after a couple seniors who can't do the outside stuff anymore-that keeps me busy let me tell ya.

Can't wait until the snow clears and I can keep busy having fun on the Busa.