Lets Talk Stickers

5"X5" ... prefer cut shape of artwork, not clear vinyl.

That would be PERFECT cap. And I don't care what it costs. If I was a penny-counter, I would not be riding a Busa.  
Captain, sounds like you just got an order for 1500 from Cache. So have no fear ordering the large quantity. At say $10 each...that would be $15,000. At $5 each...that would be $7,500.

I like that in ya Chris.
I'm glad they taught you at least something worth wile where you work, Greg..... HOW TO COUNT!!!

OH Boy Captain..what i need is a "sew on patch" to wear proudly on my wifes and my jacket.....................with the design you go with....
Just let me know what I need to do and I'll order. I would like at least 4 of the stickers. If you want the money for the black shirts now just say the work and I'll pay for them also. I don't care what design you decide on.

Thanks for all your work,

Is everyone prepared to front the money on a product they have never seen?[/QUOTE]
Captain we trusted your judgment on the shirts and sent you money. None of us regret this decision. We believe that you only go for the best and have faith in you. Just post a price and you will get money from me without question.
I don't mind paying up front. But I can't get that paypal going for me. I'll have to send you a certified cheque. I haven't been to my bank yet to get some us currency because most of my banking is down on-line. Let me know the cost in US funds and I will send you a cheque with my donations.
I want some, and am willing to pay before hand. It doesn't really matter what they look like.. I still want them.

plus I need to send some money I promised at christmas time for upkeep anyhow.

just get the info to us and lets go already.