well I had a good ride and a ok burger.
its amazing how a good ride can change your mood.
and my welder came back home never to leave again!
im closer to finding my sneak thief. a motorcycle was seen leaving my place. now to narrow it down to just who it was. once I have a good idea who it was, im gonna sic the cops on um. until then the house is on lockdown.
im still dumbfounded that they didn't just clean me out. there are many other things they could have taken but did not. ??? I don't get it.
thanks Chris, I think I do "got this".
it's a hard lesson. I hate getting knocked down. but I get up again. always have.
things around the ol Reddick household are gonna change! Jeff is now on watch, pibble by his side and shotgun in hand. some things in my head are going to change too. I hope to never again deny myself food. I would rather be poor and healthy, than have a buck in my pocket and be sickly.
talking with my Dad, I plan on walking a lot more here in the near future. it will be good for both of us.
in hindsight I should not have called my wife fat. even if she is, its mean and rude an puts out the wrong perception of how I think of her. I do love her very much. we are a team and I don't know what I would do without her.
here is to tomorrow being a better day.