

Curveballs, forks in the road, more responsibilities, wrinkles,wants out the window, needs thrown in, time... what's that? loss of focus....

Does anyone ever get the feeling that life really is too short? I remember when it seemed like that world was my oyster and now it feels like I can't balance all the hobbies and chores and projects. I just want to go out and play!!! I COMMEND people with kids. I couldn't do it! I think that's one of the reasons why I don't want any!

Sometimes you work so hard to become accomplished and then you sit down and look around and feel like, why am I doing this to myself? Is it really worth it to get that certificate on the wall and sacrifice calling friends back, being outside in the beautiful weather and laughing and enjoying life? Is it worth it to try so hard to gain the respect of people and recognition and when you don't get it, there's all that hard work for nothing. At first, it may feel like you're doing it for the personal satisfaction and then it gets to be that you're doing it for all the wrong reasons- for other people to recognize you and pat you on the back, throw a party in your name and then you wake up the next morning and the party's over. Do it all over again for a another 2 second hand-shake.

Any advice on balancing life?

Off Rant!
I hear you... loud and clear. It takes balance and the amount you need on one side never matches what you want on the other... Everyone is different so I won't drone on about "what to do"... but you sure aren't alone.


Work to live, dont live to work


Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never work a day in your life.


Life is all about the journey. It is not about the begining, nor is it about the end. Those two events are defined and unchangable. It is everything that is inbetween that counts.

So with every day, dont worry about the past because you cant change it.

Don't get TOO wrapped up about the future because at any moment, in the blink of an eye years of planning a future could be laid waste with one unfortunate event.

Alllways try to put others before yourself. I have discoverd when you try to please your self and always try to ensure your own sucess, more often than not you will become miserable. but when you continously put others before yourself and humble yourself for some odd reason you begin to experiance true happiness.

Always look at the cup being half full. not half empty. most of the feelings us humans have in life are how we perceive our environment. Two people can be in the exact same environment, one can be extremely happy and the other can be totally miserable. what is the differance? it is perception. Be thankful in all things and you will begin to be happy in all things.

Just relax and enjoy each day. and if you can't enjoy each day in your environment, then change your environment so you can enjoy each day.

You only get one shot at this life thing, make the best of it.

Good luck.

Curveballs, forks in the road, more responsibilities, wrinkles,wants out the window, needs thrown in, time... what's that? loss of focus....

Does anyone ever get the feeling that life really is too short? I remember when it seemed like that world was my oyster and now it feels like I can't balance all the hobbies and chores and projects. I just want to go out and play!!! I COMMEND people with kids. I couldn't do it! I think that's one of the reasons why I don't want any!

Sometimes you work so hard to become accomplished and then you sit down and look around and feel like, why am I doing this to myself? Is it really worth it to get that certificate on the wall and sacrifice calling friends back, being outside in the beautiful weather and laughing and enjoying life? Is it worth it to try so hard to gain the respect of people and recognition and when you don't get it, there's all that hard work for nothing. At first, it may feel like you're doing it for the personal satisfaction and then it gets to be that you're doing it for all the wrong reasons- for other people to recognize you and pat you on the back, throw a party in your name and then you wake up the next morning and the party's over. Do it all over again for a another 2 second hand-shake.

Any advice on balancing life?

Off Rant!

You're to young to be having a mid-life crisis...
I'm right there with you Jess! It seems like there are enough hours in the day. Things I would like to do for MYSELF are always being put on the back burner for OTHERS needs and wants.

I feel like I am that beachball at the football game.. floating over the crowd until it is punched up by the next fan.. never landing anywhere.. constantly going.. directed by other's whims and fancies... No direction of its own. Until it pops.
It just sounds like you are taking a different turn in life. The older you get (I know your not that old) you start having different priorities and what you want. Sometimes you just have to step back, take a deep breath and look at who you are and reassess the situation. There really is never a balance. You do the best you can, learn a lesson or two and move forward.
Don't stop being who you are cause I think your one terrific gal! I've told you before and I'll tell you again.....I love your adventurous spirit!
I dont know for a fact, but I would imagine this dillema that is touched upon by this thread could possibly be a driving factor for some of the homeless people you see on street corners.

I know there are some out there that just had an enormous amount of bad luck. I however also know for a fact there are those standing on street corners looking for handouts because that is what they want to do. they have no responsabilities. dont have to pay taxes. totally off the grid. And for the most part, probably little stress.

I feel these people at some point just felt it was too tough. that they got to a point in their life they just couldnt cope any more with the day to day grind.

And if you dont have anyone that relys upon you to take care of them? why go through the hassles of working every day for nothing.

As I mentioned earlier, life is what you make of it. None of us are forced into a specific situation. there are no laws that truly govern us. any of us at any time can do what ever we choose to. however sometimes the consequences of our actions would burden us with more anxiety than staying in our current situation, which is why most of us dont try to dig out of the rut we are in.

but in the end, each of us are the only ones who have control over our own happines and our own misery. And once a person truly understands this and stops blaming the environment and excepts that responsability, then they have the ability to make the changers neccesary to be happy in life.

heck, you can always give everything up and become a monk somewhere, spend most of your day in prayer and doing yard work. That seems like a pretty simple life to me.
My brother holds (5) degrees and has written on this subject as a life coach. I will send him this link, hopefully he joins and shares some stuff. We will see, been down in the ditches as a foster kid in (16) foster homes, slept on the street, ate out of trash cans. Faith in the believe that hard work not cheating will prevail, always kept me motivated. Keep faith!
line from an old joke...Who ya gonna please with that?......ME!
Life is too short to worry what others think.
Rich or Poor, whatever the circumstances think of Life as a struggle.
If your sick, work at being healthy, if your healthy, work at being healthy.
Never be complacent, never stop learning.
every day exercise body and memory
great man said the above, but I forgot???


Work to live, dont live to work


Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never work a day in your life.


Life is all about the journey. It is not about the begining, nor is it about the end. Those two events are defined and unchangable. It is everything that is inbetween that counts.

So with every day, dont worry about the past because you cant change it.

Don't get TOO wrapped up about the future because at any moment, in the blink of an eye years of planning a future could be laid waste with one unfortunate event.

Alllways try to put others before yourself. I have discoverd when you try to please your self and always try to ensure your own sucess, more often than not you will become miserable. but when you continously put others before yourself and humble yourself for some odd reason you begin to experiance true happiness.

Always look at the cup being half full. not half empty. most of the feelings us humans have in life are how we perceive our environment. Two people can be in the exact same environment, one can be extremely happy and the other can be totally miserable. what is the differance? it is perception. Be thankful in all things and you will begin to be happy in all things.

Just relax and enjoy each day. and if you can't enjoy each day in your environment, then change your environment so you can enjoy each day.

You only get one shot at this life thing, make the best of it.

Good luck.


This has to be the best post I have ever seen here!
for every given level of income there is a given level of stress..if you cant live in that given level of stress...learn to live in a lower level of aint all about the money... its about the quality.
Curveballs, forks in the road, more responsibilities, wrinkles,wants out the window, needs thrown in, time... what's that? loss of focus....

Does anyone ever get the feeling that life really is too short? I remember when it seemed like that world was my oyster and now it feels like I can't balance all the hobbies and chores and projects. I just want to go out and play!!! I COMMEND people with kids. I couldn't do it! I think that's one of the reasons why I don't want any!

Sometimes you work so hard to become accomplished and then you sit down and look around and feel like, why am I doing this to myself? Is it really worth it to get that certificate on the wall and sacrifice calling friends back, being outside in the beautiful weather and laughing and enjoying life? Is it worth it to try so hard to gain the respect of people and recognition and when you don't get it, there's all that hard work for nothing. At first, it may feel like you're doing it for the personal satisfaction and then it gets to be that you're doing it for all the wrong reasons- for other people to recognize you and pat you on the back, throw a party in your name and then you wake up the next morning and the party's over. Do it all over again for a another 2 second hand-shake.
Any advice on balancing life?

Off Rant!

It really sounds like you are doing things for the wrong reasons. If your goal is a certificate or someone else's respect or to get a handshake then no wonder you are feeling like there are better things to do, there are!

Choose to live in a way that allows you to answer, yes to the following questions, or at least some of them every day:

Is anyone a little happier because I came along today?
Did I leave any concrete evidence of my kindness, any sign of my love?
Did I try to think of someone I know in a more positive light?
Did I help someone feel joy, to laugh, or at least, to smile?
Have I attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding my relationships?
Have I gone through the day without fretting what I don't have and celebrating the things I do have?
Have I forgiven others for being less than Perfect?
Have I forgiven myself?
Have I learned something new about life, living, or love?

Nothing else matters much.
No one on their death bed ever wished they spent more time at work.
Focus on the things that you enjoy and let go of the one's that add stress to your life.
I know this is not easy. Look at each day as a gift and make the most of each day.
Don set a great example for the rest of us. :thumbsup:
Make the time for the things that make you happy. Life is short.
I like what Gale Sayers once said;

1. God is first
2. Family is second
3. I am third

If you do the first two you'd be surprised how easily the third just slots in.
Sometimes we all get the impression that we should be able to do everything.
My wife has that "SuperWoman" complex and it frustrates her to no end.

Keep working for what you want but not at the expense of enjoying what you have.

On a "work" note:
Most of us are at work almost 60% of the day. You may not love your job but you sure better like the people you work with. A crappy job is way more easier to deal with if you're surrounded by folks you don't mind sharing the misery with.
here is my advise you can take it with a grain of salt if you like.

#1 stop the pitty parties, no matter who you invite no one will show up.

#2 if something makes you unhappy then DONT DO IT.

#3 There are only 2 dates in your life that are certain, its the dash in the middle that counts!

#4 I have gone from dead broke to pretty wealthy, I am no happier now then then.


#6 See #5

#7 Take, no,, MAKE TIME to do what you enjoy.

#8 You are the only who can make you happy, dont count on others.

#9 Do not loet others change your mood. If someone pisses you off, your giving them control of you!

#10 Laugh it off, Life is about fun, not like were getting out alive any way.
here is my advise you can take it with a grain of salt if you like.

#1 stop the pitty parties, no matter who you invite no one will show up.

#2 if something makes you unhappy then DONT DO IT.

#3 There are only 2 dates in your life that are certain, its the dash in the middle that counts!

#4 I have gone from dead broke to pretty wealthy, I am no happier now then then.


#6 See #5

#7 Take, no,, MAKE TIME to do what you enjoy.

#8 You are the only who can make you happy, dont count on others.

#9 Do not loet others change your mood. If someone pisses you off, your giving them control of you!

#10 Laugh it off, Life is about fun, not like were getting out alive any way.
