Are you happy with your life?

My wife and I have had this discussion before, and we both agree that we are put on this earth to do certain things. When its my time to go, if i have done those things, I'll be happy.
Thanks Blazing. I have reason to think about this... I was supposed to be on American Eagle flight 4184 on halloween of 1994. I changed plans to spend some extra time at home with my family.

Not to take this to a religious level, but God kept me here for something, and that may or may not be for me to know.

Some of you may laugh at this, but thats okay with me - my wife and I had a cat show up at our door about 6 years ago. She was starving, scared, and somewhat afraid of people. We think someone probably dumped her after they got tired of beating her. Sh actually came INTO our house on her own and allowed us to look her over. We decided to try to find her a home, so we ran an ad in the paper. A family came to get her, and as they were getting ready to leave, she got away and ran off. The people said they were going to go get cat food and a litter box and come back for her. They never came back, and later that night, she was at the back door waiting for us to let her in again.

We didnt wnt to keep her locked up away from our cats, so we took her to the vet to have her checked for feline leukemia and feline aids. The vet looked her over and did some tests and told us she was healthy, but very underweight, especially since she was about halfway through her pregnancy.

The vet told us that he could spay her then and there and get rid of the kittens. Now, I'm anti-abortion, and i have always claimed to be an animal lover. When the vet told me this, i could almost hear God saying to me "prove it". So we didnt get her fixed. We took her home and let her acclimate to the other cats. We kinda knew we were going to keep her at that point, because by the time she had the kittens and they were weaned, we would have had her for 3 months, and we would be too attached to her to let her go.

2 Days after me and my wifes anniversary, she had 8 kittens. 7 of them survived, and we found great homes for 5 of them. We kept momma and 2 of her kittens.

For all I know, that may be the most important thing I ever do in my life. It may be THE reason I didnt get on that flight. And you know what? I'm fine with that. How many of us ever get the opportunity to save 8 lives and change their lives forever?
I have spent the last 19 years with the one person in the univers who can fulfill every need and want I have; and I get to spend the rest of my life with him
I have 3 children who actually talk to me (most of the time) and who I enjoy being with
My family is healthy and stable.
All of our bills are being paid without undue stress and strain
My dogs love me and my cat tolerates me
My cancer is gone
I have wonderful friends who I know I can count on
And, we get to go to the Bash twice a year

Those are the important things. Am I happy? Easy answer.

These are things that irritate me, so life isn't perfect.
My job
Dan's job
I haven't won the lottery
The fact that we don't live on the Cherohala Skyway (yet, but we've got a plan).

@ the moment I suffer daily migraines the meds are over 700$ a month with insurance and my co-pay....i got a kidney stone and a d@mn stint is 6 feet up my urethra, basically feels like something poking my kidney while someone kicks me in the sack and presses their fingers up under my rib cage....if i died today I would be happy....because tomorrow means another day of suffering, my kidney medicaine makes the migrain meds not work and the migrain meds cause kidney stones...but ofcourse I have a baby on the way and been unable to work for 6 weeks now too, so if it wasnt for being in love with my wife and wanting to raise my child I tell you to please shot me now....
I'll share what I feel like sharing:

thinking about dying is depressing as f**k, so I dont do it. Ever.

Thinking about what Im going to do every day I'm alive is much more entertaining to me:cheerleader:

Old john from his deathbed cried:
"Think I will wait 'til tomorrow to die
Sun is shining, birds do sing
This, sir, is no day to go"

Up and out the door

I've had a life that's full
Everyone's been good to me
So fire up that fiddle, boy
And give me one last drink
When the sun comes up
I will leave without a fight
But the world is mine tonight

Took young molly by the hand
Spun her 'round and back again
Clicked his heels, bowed his head
Never a tear in his eye

Carried on 'til five

So raise a glass to the dear departed ones

Room was full of all his friends
Never a funeral, this was the end
Drank to all who lent their hand
Everyone drank to john

I've had a life that's full
Everyone's been good to me
So fire up that fiddle, boy
And give me one last drink
When the sun comes up
I will leave without a trace
But the world is mine today
I'll share what I feel like sharing:

thinking about dying is depressing as f**k, so I dont do it. Ever.

Thinking about what Im going to do every day I'm alive is much more entertaining to me:cheerleader:

Exactly! I'm having much more fun doing that. I've done my share of the "Wow, I'm really mortal!" mind set and I'm pretty much done with that.

However...I do enjoy spending a little time every day thinking about how good things are and doing my best to keep them that way.
@ the moment I suffer daily migraines the meds are over 700$ a month with insurance and my co-pay....i got a kidney stone and a d@mn stint is 6 feet up my urethra, basically feels like something poking my kidney while someone kicks me in the sack and presses their fingers up under my rib cage....if i died today I would be happy....because tomorrow means another day of suffering, my kidney medicaine makes the migrain meds not work and the migrain meds cause kidney stones...but ofcourse I have a baby on the way and been unable to work for 6 weeks now too, so if it wasnt for being in love with my wife and wanting to raise my child I tell you to please shot me now....

Sorry to hear that buddy. Sounds like you've had a rough go of it. I hope things get better for you. Not trying to turn this into a religious thread, but would you mind if I pray for you?
I am miserable all the time unless I am on my bike or spending time with the family an friends, and life and health problems have me spending less an less time with them which is making me feel even worse. Funny this thread popped up now after reading an e-mail forwarded to me by one of my dearest friends (which is one of the ones I have been neglecting) I wonder if she is :poke: me.


is a poem
written by a teenager with cancer.

She wants to
see how many
people get her poem.

It is quite the poem
Please pass it


poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a
New York

Hospital .

It was sent

a medical doctor -
Make sure to read what is in the closing statement


Have you ever

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a

butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the

You better slow down.

dance so

Time is short.

The music

Do you run through each day


When you ask How are you?

Do you hear

When the day is done

Do you lie
in your

With the next hundred chores

Running through
your head?

You'd better
slow down

Don't dance so

Time is

The music won't

Ever told your

We'll do it

And in your

Not see


Ever lost

Let a good
friendship die

Cause you
never had time

To call
and say,'Hi'

better slow down.

Don't dance
so fast.

is short.

The music won't

When you run
so fast to get somewhere

miss half the fun of getting

When you worry and hurry
through your

It is like an unopened


Life is not a

Do take it

Hear the

Before the song is

---------- --


Dear All:
PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -
even to those you don't
know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon
leave this world
due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left
to live,
and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to

live their life to the fullest, since she never will.

never make it to prom, graduate from high school,
or get married and have a
family of her own.

By you sending
this to as many people as
possible, you can give her and her family a
little hope, because with every name
that this is sent to, The American
Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name
to her treatment and recovery
plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know
that we can at least send
it t o 5 or 6. It's
not even your money, just



Dennis Shields, Professor
Department of Developmental and
Morris Park
Bronx , New York
my turn ha ha ..... am i happy no not really, i dream about my deathbed...but can i say i have accomplished havent seen my son graduate..i have had some goals met and some get farther away..but if i die tomorrow those who know me will say i was crazy inteligent and even insane but when it came to perdue the only true love was on two i have done some incredible things been to korea, italy, spain,and dived been in a jet..had some incredible ups and downs..even seen some amazing bands and met some amazing happy isnt really a questuon to ask it is more like are you content with what you have done..and will you be content
Posted via Mobile Device
I am happy, and ready to go whenever it is time.
This thread reminded me of something Kevin wrote.

Title: WHO are you and where are you from?
Post by: vman1300 on March 15, 2005, 11:21:flamethrowing: AM
My name is Kevin and I am a motorcycle junkie. I have since realized there is no cure for this addiction. Only many hours in the saddle will help to contain it.

I started riding in 1988. From there I spent many years bracket racing a GSXR750/1100. Motorcycles became a passion and not just a hobby. In May of 1994 I was hired by MR Motorcycles in Asheville, NC as a parts salesman and general hooligan. Life is good.

My greatest hero and major inspiration, my dad, told me "find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life". Truer words have never been spoken. Life is good.

In 2002, I received a promotion to Assistant Parts Manager. My duties consist of our website for wholesale orders, supervising a full staff of enthusiasts that answer our phones with 3 full time people in our shipping dept, and to maintain customer satisfaction. I am surrounded by what I love! Life is good.

To this day, I am still and will always be a hooligan. Spending many hours riding the mountains of Western North Carolina/North Georgia and of course the Deals Gap area.

To me I work in the greatest profession in the world. I talk to people all over the World about what I enjoy! Have I mentioned, Life is good!

So if you are in the Deals Gap/WNC/TN/Ga area and see a "kinda short for his weight" guy on a 'Busa or a ST1100, stop by and say hello!


I will remember that phrase - Life is good. Here is another thing Dad said: The older you get the more you realize the things that you thought were most important are not really that important at all. I am alive and have a wonderful family and now I have the oRg. What more could I ask for?

Life is Good!