Are you Enjoying Your Life ?

I have a loving wife, remarkable son (over achieving in kindergarden) great dog...and a pretty successful family business. We are truly blessed and work hard. We get a ton of support from members here... Karma
My family, My friends, my toys, and all the wonderful people on the org. I am no where where I want to be, but with the things I do have, I can enjoy life.
Truthfully? I hate my life. The best thing in the world for me would be to not wake up tomorrow.

Frequently, those feeling have a physical cause, could be hormone
imbalance. Been there. Bloodwork, full panel
should be done annually. Hope you will be OK.
Life's a series of moments and what you make of the time you have...

Today, throwing football in the front yard with my boys made me happy. Tonight it'll be taking 'em out for candy and seeing them having fun with friends...

Tomorrow it'll be something completely different... :thumbsup:
No not really but I always remember it could be worse an usually a spin around the state on the Busa gives me at least some temporary peace an joy. :beerchug:
Heck yeah, just back in from a ride. Going Trick or Treating shortly, grabbing a bite to eat first, and then happy and able to go work tonight and glad of it. Wow I'm pumped dudes :cheerleader:
I used to think that I would be happy when I got this done or, that done or ,once this is over or ,that is over or ,if that hadn't happened. I wasted a lot of time in that line of thought. It will allways be something untill I am dead. So I never miss a chance to laugh even if it's inappropriate. I try to make shure everyone I love knows it. Being happy takes a lot of work but, it is worth the effort.
I love my life! I'm not saying it's always a bowl of cherries, but with God on your side who can be against you. If it wasn't for the valley I wouldn't appreciate the mountain top. I used to be a pretty miserable person, but once I found the Lord my entire life changed. He continues to work on me daily and I can honestly say it has made me a better father, a better husband, and a better friend. He reminds me to slow down, smell the roses, and ponder at this beautiful piece of work he calls earth. :thumbsup:
Yes, I'm lucky, I'm optomistic, & I'm determined to make the best of any situation. I figure that if you only get one ride, make it a good one. Wish all you guys some better fortunes, and keep life in perspective - if you don't have poison ivy, things could always be worse. Oh, & NotRight, I think you've got it right :poke: :laugh: For the second part of the question - Beer & Hotties & Motorcycles & guns & Flowers & Trees & sunshine & Flowing water & U-Guys :love: & I left lots out :beerchug:
Life is such a precious gift. That's why I ride so carefully, and why I
don't take this cyanide pill.
No not really but I always remember it could be worse an usually a spin around the state on the Busa gives me at least some temporary peace an joy. :beerchug:


Life is often a battle and my biggest issues have no solutions, the bike is an escape, I just came back from 12 months traveling the world and enjoyed almost every minute and learned to try to stay positive but man its hard sometimes
It's all about this. That she's my third makes it all the more sweeter.


I love my life.

I love my freedom.

I love my job.

I love my friends.

I love the fact that I can get up and do something positive with and for myself and others; and I don't have to sit around being hateful, jealous, depressed, or bitter.


There you have it!

I love my life.:beerchug: