Are you being you?

I'm shocked. No one yet has mentioned setting up a government, a money system, a communications medium, trying to build a gas engine or install a computer network! You mean we can live without those things and be happy? Say it isn't so!

gas engine or computer network?!?!?! are we looking at the same island?:rofl:

just walk....and if you need someone, say "hey you"
gas engine or computer network?!?!?! are we looking at the same island?:rofl:

just walk....and if you need someone, say "hey you"

Exactly! I'm all for the HUMAN INTERACTION NETWORK. That's being bred out with the false importance of texting

oh, and NO disorders are allowed! just temporary issues that others help you through.

I could say on MY island they are all female, but no, I guess they would be mixed to keep things fair. :)
I'd build a sailboat and sail to the mainland and pillage all of the left over busa's and the new Dodge Challengers and claim them as my own!!!!

Great post. I would just live off the land, fish, hunt, learn from the natives, and hopefully meet a female native that is nice and marry her and make sweet love down by the fire.

Here is an article I read out of a newspaper that i cut out and have kept for about 4 years.
After an intro it goes
An American with a MBA from Harvard docks in a tiny Mexican village and compliments a Mexican fisherman about the quality of his fish.
The fisherman leads a very simple life. He catches sufficient fish to meet his needs and those of his family. The rest of the time he sleeps in late, plays with his kids and takes a siesta with his wife. In the evenings, he visits his friends, plays the guitar and enjoys a full life.
The American feels like he can help this fisherman and so he advises him to start fishing longer days so he can sell more fish. With the xtra money, he will be able to buy a bigger boat. As his business grows, he will be able to buy a fleet of boats.
The fisherman would become so big that he would deal directly with the processing plants and eventually open his own plant.
Once he became a success he would be able to leave his village and move to Mexico city, Los Angeles, or even New York
The american explains that all of this would take around 25 years, and then after that the fisherman could sell his business for millions.
After listening to the American's advice the fisherman asks, "And then what?"
The American replies, "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a small Mexican village near the coast, sleep late, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."
Well it is rather simple really. First I would find a way to craft a boat/raft... anything to get the heck off the island... I would point to a close larger landmass... make landfall with or without the friendly natives.(I'm nice also) head inland to find a cow and bull...... breed the crap outta them and repopulate the earth..... Of course the menial things in between the major steps I will not state here as they could be considered offensive.(Then yall would know my true mission in life)

Motto - If you want it earn it. If you work hard all things will be made for you. NOTHING is easily gained.

You can work your fingers to the bone but without a girl you are going to have a hard time repopulating the planet
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On an Island, right? I would pitch in to help and become part of tribe and teach them how to shape a surfboard and enjoy those waves.
Posted via Mobile Device
Great post. I would just live off the land, fish, hunt, learn from the natives, and hopefully meet a female native that is nice and marry her and make sweet love down by the fire.

Here is an article I read out of a newspaper that i cut out and have kept for about 4 years.
After an intro it goes
An American with a MBA from Harvard docks in a tiny Mexican village and compliments a Mexican fisherman about the quality of his fish.
The fisherman leads a very simple life. He catches sufficient fish to meet his needs and those of his family. The rest of the time he sleeps in late, plays with his kids and takes a siesta with his wife. In the evenings, he visits his friends, plays the guitar and enjoys a full life.
The American feels like he can help this fisherman and so he advises him to start fishing longer days so he can sell more fish. With the xtra money, he will be able to buy a bigger boat. As his business grows, he will be able to buy a fleet of boats.
The fisherman would become so big that he would deal directly with the processing plants and eventually open his own plant.
Once he became a success he would be able to leave his village and move to Mexico city, Los Angeles, or even New York
The american explains that all of this would take around 25 years, and then after that the fisherman could sell his business for millions.
After listening to the American's advice the fisherman asks, "And then what?"
The American replies, "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a small Mexican village near the coast, sleep late, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

EXACTLY!! hahahaha I'd never heard that one. It's a good one.
Time to dig out my "tree of knowledge" <> "tree of LIFE" discussion again :)
I would be a party planner. I would show them all how to play music, and have a dance party every saturday. i would bring a good moonshiner to distill us some moonshine. I would also spend about half my time swimming/surfing.. Ahh what life would be like without bills or worrying about the future :)
I would be a party planner. I would show them all how to play music, and have a dance party every saturday. i would bring a good moonshiner to distill us some moonshine. I would also spend about half my time swimming/surfing.. Ahh what life would be like without bills or worrying about the future :)

I will GIVE you some of my musical instruments when I am done making them. :) Or, if you like my band would be glad to play at your party. It will probably be mostly DRUM & BASS, some island techno, some big band, and some slow dance. Will that be ok?
I will GIVE you some of my musical instruments when I am done making them. :) Or, if you like my band would be glad to play at your party. It will probably be mostly DRUM & BASS, some island techno, some big band, and some slow dance. Will that be ok?

Definitley on the band.. as long as people can dance to it.. any surviving Org members are invited to all of my parties... Of course.. there will be a lack of clothing due to us making our own.. so only shorts for everyone (no tops).. but there will be a lot of extra moonshine.
Definitley on the band.. as long as people can dance to it.. any surviving Org members are invited to all of my parties... Of course.. there will be a lack of clothing due to us making our own.. so only shorts for everyone (no tops).. but there will be a lot of extra moonshine.

yeah, clothes ought to be fully optional. We're WAY TOO perfection obsessed about looks. I suspect the tribe on this island is mostly nekked, except for regions where mesquito bites would be no fun at all.... or maybe it's a mesquitoless island? all squitos died in the nuclear fires, m'kay?

my point is to evaluate yourselves and determine if you are living TOWARDS or AWAY from your true nature and desires in life. If away, maybe think about taking steps to get back TOWARDS your REAL interests, wants, and needs.

I, personally, realized recently that ALL my hobbies are based on electricity and battery power. I want to change that. Doubt I will actually build musical instruments, but maybe I will learn acoustical guitar - all my synthesizers require elec to work - and take up more book reading... which is like an unplugged version of my movie watching habit :)

Change is easy.

"Easier said than done" to which I add "Easier done when STARTED" :)
You won't enjoy life on those other land masses... they are soot covered, radiation filled, dead lands - no people, no plants, no animals. Good luck with that!

That island is IT!

Since we are being so correct about things and my idea is obviously flawed. The reality of the whole situation if it were to happen would be that nothing survived.

You give a statement about something that is inconceivable, then ask what each would do in the given situation. Since ALL other places left to inhabit are nuclear wastelands and nothing survived. That in itself would denote enough nuclear devises were used to cause nuclear fallout across the entire globe. Thus the little island could not survive either direct hit or not.... the island is dead also.

Either way its neither here nor there. Mine was a way of stating if I do not agree with what I am stuck with I will find a way to do what I want to do regardless of the consequences of my actions. You never learn what you can do unless you try. Some peoples enjoyment is to live a simple life, others wish to party or relax... I wish to improve upon myself. That is my enjoyment in life.
I'd try to catch something sufficient to gain favor in the village, then march in with it to barter for some favor.....say booze & friendship. Perhaps the bigest snake in the marsh or a dozen lobsters or something. word would probably get around if Icould drag a big croc or gator or something into town, kick off my arrival with some part-ay stuff to get the social group on board. trade skills & stories, try to shine the women, raise some honeybees & build some stuff, Try to get in some hunting fishing & toy accumulation.
I'd try to catch something sufficient to gain favor in the village, then march in with it to barter for some favor.....say booze & friendship. Perhaps the bigest snake in the marsh or a dozen lobsters or something. word would probably get around if Icould drag a big croc or gator or something into town, kick off my arrival with some part-ay stuff to get the social group on board. trade skills & stories, try to shine the women, raise some honeybees & build some stuff, Try to get in some hunting fishing & toy accumulation.

You just committed a crime because Crocs/Gators are regarded as the God of creation, the Lobsters Gods of the ocean and the Snakes Gods of the land. It was a triple infraction against the people and you are staked on the beach to die a slow death due to exposure and consumption by thousands of crabs. :laugh:
Since we are being so correct about things and my idea is obviously flawed. The reality of the whole situation if it were to happen would be that nothing survived.

You give a statement about something that is inconceivable, then ask what each would do in the given situation. Since ALL other places left to inhabit are nuclear wastelands and nothing survived. That in itself would denote enough nuclear devises were used to cause nuclear fallout across the entire globe. Thus the little island could not survive either direct hit or not.... the island is dead also.

Either way its neither here nor there. Mine was a way of stating if I do not agree with what I am stuck with I will find a way to do what I want to do regardless of the consequences of my actions. You never learn what you can do unless you try. Some peoples enjoyment is to live a simple life, others wish to party or relax... I wish to improve upon myself. That is my enjoyment in life.

jeeez, man, I was only having fun - trying to keep you on the island. Make it however ya want. :) It's just fiction anyway