Are you Enjoying Your Life ?

i love my life.

I love my freedom.

I love my job.

I love my friends.

I love the fact that i can get up and do something positive with and for myself and others; and i don't have to sit around being hateful, jealous, depressed, or bitter.


There you have it!

I love my life.:beerchug:

+100,000,000 :beerchug:
At 58 i'm having my second midlife crisis... I truly have everything i need. A wife that tolerates me as i am. A good job. Plenty of toy's . Wife lost her job and gets no unemployment benefit, because the system sucks. My Tinnitus is very hard to deal with.
I love to sleep ... it's quiet then. Iv'e just been unmotivated alot lately.. today we have awsome weather for a ride...maybe tommorow with a friend will cheer me up.
Considering everything i should be happy....but just barely am. Is alcohol a depressant ??
Have any of you seen the e-mail going around called attitude is everything??
Young kids with no arms or legs and all of them smiling....telling self get a grip....
Thnx BossHound
Yes I'm enjoying it, been a little lull in the action lately but I'm contented.

thanks Robert:thumbsup:
A wife of 26 years, a home that is paid for, a job I worked very very hard to get, riding the bikes I always wanted, good friends to go fishing with...I am enjoying my life. A question to add to that is...was it easy and was it worth, not easy yes worth the 12 years of college and lots of sleepless night to build something for us...

As I have advised many interns and students...the years go by one way or another, use them to the fullest. If you can not wake up every morning and look forward to the day ahead, you need to change your path and follow what makes you happy. I remind them they are writing the script of their own life, compose it well.
As I have advised many interns and students...the years go by one way or another, use them to the fullest. If you can not wake up every morning and look forward to the day ahead, you need to change your path and follow what makes you happy. I remind them they are writing the script of their own life, compose it well.

That's excellent advice. :goodidea:

I'm enjoying life now after a 5 year long bout of depression from 2001 - 2006. One morning back in 2006 I decided that I no longer wanted to be dependent on the anti-depressants (Celexa) and stopped taking them cold-turkey. Had a rough ride for a couple of months and just started forcing myself to see the bright side of my daily grind. Being depressed and unhappy becomes an addictive habit and like any addiction, it takes a lot of self-control and hard work to overcome it.

Getting back on a motorcycle after 10 years of being out of the saddle went a long way to keeping my mind in its happy place. It's amazing how a ride down a twisty two-laner can blow the cobwebs out of the grey matter and make everything seem better.

I'm in a good place now. A happy and supportive wife of 15 years, a stable job with the federal government and a garage full of distractions makes life's inevitable hiccups much easier to deal with. :bowdown:
I don't have my great health (although it could always be worse) my Busa had to be sold due to finances, however I do have a loving wife who I adore. My boys are all grown up and have given me great pleasure seeing their successes. My grandson, hey what can you say about a grandson, just great. I have been well travel all over the country and the world on 5 continents. I have reached speed well over 200mph on a Busa. i would still like to hit 300mph on land in something. If I died today i would die happy and accomplished, however I do want to see many more years.
I find an incredible amount of joy every day with my family. I can't imagine life without them.

Yes, my job kinda makes me crazy from time to time and I'd much rather be doing something that acutally gave back to the world. Dan's job is pretty much hell right now. Health could be better.

And, although I sometimes think that saying "It could be worse" can make light of the difficulties one deals with everyday, I know most of the things I gripe about are trivial.

All in all, I'm very happy with my life. Our friends here are a big part of what makes my life good.
Every day I wake up, its the worse day of my right now, today is the worse day of my life....:whistle: OK maybe not. I can honestly say I'm happy with the situation Im in, retired, good job, wonderful family, life is good.
Bikes, boats and ho' are keeping me happy!

The Bible defines "happy" as "content in the Lord".
Wherever I am, whatever my circumstances I'm "content" in my relationship with Him
and content wherever He places me and whatever condition I land there.
Sure, things materially could be better (unless you're last name is Gates everyone
could say that), but thankfully happiness isn't defined by that.

I have a relationship with Christ that's growing every day.
On top of that, I come home to a wonderful wife, we can pay our bills (OK, most of them :laugh:),
I have a wonderful son and daughter and the love of them all. I'm good.

(Wish I had a full Yosh system, and a dog that won't pee everywhere, though) :whistle:
The unification of mind,body and spirit is the basis of happiness. You can't buy happiness and others can't take it from you if you accept who you are with calm deliberance.:laugh:
The unification of mind,body and spirit is the basis of happiness. You can't buy happiness and others can't take it from you if you accept who you are with calm deliberance.:laugh:

"It's a sad man who's living in his own skin, and can't stand the company".
Wow this Thread got bigger than Expected. Finally got Sunday Off and was going to go for a Ride....................Broke My TOE against the Bathroom door at my New House. Kiaser just Wraped it and said there is Nothing we can Do.................But you know what ? After Reading this Thread again I am Very Greatfull............:thumbsup: