Well hell, say it's all true... Kwacker owners should be so thrilled... Hell, only took 6 fuggin years of Suzuki domination to finally catch up... If you believe the hype that is... Two page bike adds with fine print explaining away their own claims of 180 HP... He he... "With Ram Air", only on Tuesdays with a full moon, below 60 degrees, and 30% humidity, in death Valley at night! Yadda Yadda....
But according to the results, Busa still owns the 1/4, still owns the top speed crown... still the biggest baddest MoFo Street Bike out there... A 10R? Hell, it's just another track Bike... Like so many others... Looks just like ZX6R, or was that an R6? ... Blah blah blah...
How's that?
Seriously though, what's the point, this will get over to the 10R board or the freakin Kwacker board and there will be a bunch of dramatic language and bobo waggling, then the inevitable flame war, blah blah blah... Folks that don't know that Bullet and I are Buds will get all spun up and say stupid things... Then in the end a bunch of folks get together and go out to enjoy the ride, and the whole who is faster thing sorta becomes irrelevent, you know, CARS, Cops, Dirt, and Survival Instincts sorta square that away.
1/2 the folks on 10R's can't ride them for shid anyway, just like the Busa's, you got a bunch of folks who buy them for the hype or the "LOOK". So just like I have been saying in other threads, it's all going to come down to the person twisting the wrist and leaning em' over...
I see it every damn time I go out on a Raider Ride... There's this pesky RC51 that just isn't going to be caught by me in the twisties... (Apparantly not by Cecil Either)
it Just isn't happening. Is the Busa capable? Maybe... With proper suspension setup, but with me on Her? No, not possible, call it fear, call it self preservation, call it not wanting to hurt my ride, call it lack of confidence or call it JUST NOT FUGGIN WORRIED ABOUT IT... Besides, gimmie a less curved road, some long sweepers, or god forbid a straightaway? And I am all over him... Some days I am with the RC51, got him right in sight anyway, other times I am just chillin, hitting the twisties in a relaxed but rapid pace. Not setting records, but enjoying the road, riding well within myself, not trying to impress anyone, just enjoying a fast bike on some fast roads... Simple as that. Sh!t tell me which bike is faster when stuck behind a damned State Trooper anyway, or on a dirty gravel laden curve, or spilt diesel fuel? Am I making sense here?
Bottom line, there is allways someone faster, better, more skilled. No one on a web board is a world class rider, the world class riders ARE ACTUALLY GETTING PAID TO RIDE! So When Rossi, or Hayden show up to start arguing about "Which Bike Is faster" gimmie a shout.
Anyhoo not trying to shid all over the thread, just saying that before the inevitable happens, the paragraph above is where I stand on the whole subject.
So how about we line up a pro Drag Racer, How about Keith Dennis? Let him ride the bikes back to back in the 1/4. Then we'll grab oh I dunno... Pascal Picotte maybe? He's prolly not to busy for the roadcourse section. Then we look at the numbers, and we can all say Hmmm.... Isn't that interesting...
He he he... Point is this would be the only way to find out WHICH BIKE IS FASTER. Any other comparison will be a whole lot of "Which Rider is FASTER", and I am not going to get into that...