Lilah versus Da Demon


Donating Member
We all know that the Busa is favored to win at the track and the 10R is favored in the twisties ... albeit rider skills will make the most difference in both situations. I know that I'm curious to see the Busa vs Ninja. I think BT should travel to Florida because he is the junior rider and Rev should find a closed course ... starting out with twisties and ending with a straight shot of about a 1/4 mile. Dang ... I should be a promoter or in marketing or somethin' like that ... ha ha ha !!
sage your on to something here..Mabie a gathering, or better yet a rally. A yearly rally somewhere with this years feature event being the Rev and BT challenge. There is a challenge isn't there?  

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Uh-oh...This will no doubt get ugly...

Now, if it's a competition over which bike is cleanest...
I've got $100 on BT...

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Sage startin the shid.....I'd like to see it myself

Takin bets......20 on Rev

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Just fueling some fire here...

Random quotes from Kawi-heads...

"My 10R kicks Busa & Blackbird ass in the straights, and leaves the blade and gixxer for dead in the mountains. And yes the 10R still has the best power to weight ratio!"

"yea it looks awesome, great power, but I'm hesitant on that look at the figures..sure 180 how come a honda 1000rr is beating the poop outta it and the honda only has 155hp someone told a fib when that spec sheet came out I think, even if they didn' the hell?"

"Sounds to me like another R1 or Gixer rider trying to run down the 10R. You can say what you like in this forum about the kwaks, but the real kwak owners know what is real and what is just BS..."

"Naturally when a bike comes out as bad ass as the 10r people with other bikes start to get jealous and trash talk the bike for stupid little problems like the frame cracking or the front wheel thing. Also it seems as if poeple are actually scared of the 10r? I mean they think if you get on it your dead?

"Is there such a thing as enough power?  Besides have to do something to keep up with those turbo zukis"

"turbo's are unreliable....the seals leak and then spew oil all over the place, if your luck thats all. maybe light your whole bike up. Everytime i see one of those Turbo Busa's I FLOL."

 Let the games begin!  
i think the end should have a mile long strait so as rev walks down BT 10 BT will think about what he left behind and come cryin back tail between teh legs
Well hell, say it's all true...  Kwacker owners should be so thrilled...  Hell, only took 6 fuggin years of Suzuki domination to finally catch up...  If you believe the hype that is...  Two page bike adds with fine print explaining away their own claims of 180 HP...  He he...  "With Ram Air", only on Tuesdays with a full moon, below 60 degrees, and 30% humidity, in death Valley at night! Yadda Yadda....

But according to the results, Busa still owns the 1/4, still owns the top speed crown...  still the biggest baddest MoFo Street Bike out there...  A 10R?  Hell, it's just another track Bike...  Like so many others...  Looks just like ZX6R, or was that an R6?  ...  Blah blah blah...

How's that?

Seriously though, what's the point, this will get over to the 10R board or the freakin Kwacker board and there will be a bunch of dramatic language and bobo waggling, then the inevitable flame war, blah blah blah...  Folks that don't know that Bullet and I are Buds will get all spun up and say stupid things...   Then in the end a bunch of folks get together and go out to enjoy the ride, and the whole who is faster thing sorta becomes irrelevent, you know, CARS, Cops, Dirt, and Survival Instincts sorta square that away.

1/2 the folks on 10R's can't ride them for shid anyway, just like the Busa's, you got a bunch of folks who buy them for the hype or the "LOOK".  So just like I have been saying in other threads, it's all going to come down to the person twisting the wrist and leaning em' over...

I see it every damn time I go out on a Raider Ride...  There's this pesky RC51 that just isn't going to be caught by me in the twisties... (Apparantly not by Cecil Either)
it Just isn't happening.  Is the Busa capable?  Maybe...  With proper suspension setup, but with me on Her?  No, not possible, call it fear, call it self preservation, call it not wanting to hurt my ride, call it lack of confidence or call it JUST NOT FUGGIN WORRIED ABOUT IT...  Besides, gimmie a less curved road, some long sweepers, or god forbid a straightaway?  And I am all over him...   Some days I am with the RC51, got him right in sight anyway, other times I am just chillin, hitting the twisties in a relaxed but rapid pace.  Not setting records, but enjoying the road, riding well within myself, not trying to impress anyone, just enjoying a fast bike on some fast roads... Simple as that. Sh!t tell me which bike is faster when stuck behind a damned State Trooper anyway, or on a dirty gravel laden curve, or spilt diesel fuel? Am I making sense here?
Bottom line, there is allways someone faster, better, more skilled. No one on a web board is a world class rider, the world class riders ARE ACTUALLY GETTING PAID TO RIDE! So When Rossi, or Hayden show up to start arguing about "Which Bike Is faster" gimmie a shout.

Anyhoo not trying to shid all over the thread, just saying that before the inevitable happens, the paragraph above is where I stand on the whole subject.

So how about we line up a pro Drag Racer, How about Keith Dennis? Let him ride the bikes back to back in the 1/4. Then we'll grab oh I dunno... Pascal Picotte maybe? He's prolly not to busy for the roadcourse section. Then we look at the numbers, and we can all say Hmmm.... Isn't that interesting...

He he he... Point is this would be the only way to find out WHICH BIKE IS FASTER. Any other comparison will be a whole lot of "Which Rider is FASTER", and I am not going to get into that...

Yeah Yeah Folks Sorry... Didn't mean to get all serious on ya...  My bad...

But uh.. I won't need a MIle long straight to walk anyone...  

Is that better?

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Sure it is...
Unless one rider is maybe a little better... Ya'll aren't paying any fuggin attention...
My Bad Rev and BT ... I know you all are best buds and I was just playing around in the Random Thoughts forum for entertainment value only. But you are right, people that aren't in the know will take this too seriously and try to start some mess.
So Rev please feel free to delete this thread for the sake of peace and harmony amongst us all. I was just trying to instigate some friendly trash talking for fun only

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Oh man! I was hoping for some winter showdown down South, where the weather's still warm...all the East Coasters could ride down and watch the race...

You guys take all the fun out of it...
NO Bad Sage... No Worries at all... I just mean that in the grand scheme, having a thread like this get outta hand would be WAAAAY to easy...  

However, You never know what will happen over these Cold Winter Months.  It just won't be talked about here or on the ZX10 board until it is all said and done.  Then, when we have actual results to report, post that.  

Besides, I went and checked out Bullets new home and he's not completely selling us out, and most of the folks over there seem to understand the difference between ROAD Reality, and the Bullshid Bench racing, Number comparisons, and mouth running.  Seem to be a good bunch of folks that for the most part understand that it's the rider not the bike... YES EVEN IN THE Twisties...

I mean we can start a Bullettrain can lick my Nutsack thread for abandoning the Busa for some Evil dude wearing black...  But then again... it is a black bike, and black bikes are faster...

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Well, I started to crank the shid pumper up here and really have some fun. However, Rev turned the damned thread into a serious one and ruined all that for us.

On a more serious note, though, Rev is 100% right. And I must say that his post and his stance on this makes so much sense that I honestly believe he let his super smart wifey borrow his password so she could reply for him. Hahahaha...

Ok Rev, now I'll be serious bro...
Your post is 100% on mark. In fact, in the PM I sent you yesterday about the package, I think I mentioned this very thing. I, too, just knew that sooner or later someone would prolly mistake my shid talkin' for the real deal and nut up over it. Anybody that knows me knows I cut up and talk shid all the time and 99% of the time it's for the entertainment value of it all. It's all just a part of the "game" when playin' on the internet.

I know DJ didn't take it the wrong way, and wasn't tryin' to start any shid or let things get outta hand. Hell, he was just playin' the game like we were. And I'm not worried about most of the folks who will see this thread, either from this site, or the 10R site. The majority of the membership of both boards appear to be straight up, cool folks who have a healthy respect for each other and a major love for ridin'. The biggest difference between the two groups is which bike they chose to throw a leg over.

I'm confident that most folks from either group would recognize the posturing and shid talkin' me & Rev are doin' as what it is. Fun between friends. As Rev and I discussed in the PM though, there would no doubt be a scrub come from out of nowhere, take it seriously, and just nut the fug up. Could be from this group or could be from the 10 group. Either way, I'd be willin' to bet that it would NOT be a regular poster from either group. Hell, I'd almost be willin' to bet that the scrub wouldn't own either bike if the truth were known. It'd likely be some guy on a Honda 599 'er somethin' similar who reads all the mags and bases his entire argument on nothin' more than what he read in SportRider, or MCW, or some shid like that.

Hell, I'm game for a shid pumpin' festival. It'd be fun. And I've got plenty of fodder. Hell, ya'll all know I'm FULL of SHID!!!
But Rev is right. If we didn't qualify it as such, as he done in his first post and I have done here, there's no doubt in my mind that sooner or later it would go bad because of some professional bench racer who took it all WAY too fuggin' seriously...

Rev, I think you made a good catch here. You prolly saved some poor bench racer sap some hard feelin's and high blood pressure.

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