LinkedIn scams


Donating Member
Anyone here on LinkedIn?

I am and have my business linked to my profile. I am not a paid subscription member though.

A girl associated with a past colleague asked to join my network, supposedly a CEO and owner of a large masonry company. I accepted her request, and she joined my network. Then a few messages later came a romantic flirt, professionally disguised. Did some research and recognized it as a scam. Decided to play along for a bit and man, these people are really good at what they do. They will win with anyone who has the slighted degree of naivety.

More about how that turned out later, I wonder how many guys she catches?
Yes I do. A career coach indicated that LI is a necessity for job finding, sadly. All of the companies use it to view candidate profiles.

If you have not I suggest that you report that. I suspect LI will clean it up.
Yes I do. A career coach indicated that LI is a necessity for job finding, sadly. All of the companies use it to view candidate profiles.

If you have not I suggest that you report that. I suspect LI will clean it up.
What she did is copy the profile of a legit user and company. So to make sure it is a scam, I contacted the legit owner and gave her the information, who confirmed she has no idea who this person is and the person claiming she is a partner is false. That is how I found out it is a scam.

Then just for my own education, I played along a little. I see her profile is still up. She wanted my WhatsApp and used that to communicate. First told me all about her company, what she does and then asked me about my company and business. Then asked what I do for free time, told her motorcycles and bicycles and then the flirting started. First a voice message and a picture. I'll give the rest later, to keep this interesting.

Here is the picture:

Nino 1.JPEG
Scams all over the place nowadays.
So here is where it went next:

She is also into cycling, just like me. Starts talking about her cycling, her bikes, want's to know all about my cycling. Tells me she has an office in North Carolina and will take me and pay for a hunting trip, if I coach her in cycling.

I tell her I have stacks of deer in my backyard, allowed to shoot, but don't really like the hunting scene. Send her a picture of the deer in my backyard. She sends me a video of a bear swimming in her swimming pool, in LA, looks like a mansion. She wants me to help her with a bike setup and coaching, sends me the next picture.

More later, these folks are really good at what they do.

