Little Levi

I just posted in the tough situation thread a sad update.

However, for those who still want to donate for something. I am thinking we could do one of two things for the family. First, we could do something for Levi's older brother Colton. He has had to live without his parents every time Levi has surgery or is rushed to the hospital. He also has had to deal with a very sick little brother. Part of that is having not been able to play with other kids, so he didn't bring home any germs to Levi. If we went this route, we could get him some sort of toy or something.

The other thing we could do is get something for the family as a whole. Either a dinner out somewhere or something that can be delivered to them. Or, we can send them to a park or something for the day. There are a few amusement parks (small ones) in the area, that might be fun for them to go to. Just to get away.

Let me know what everyone thinks. Then again, this is IF God doesn't work a miracle (cause sometimes he does) and Levi doesn't shock us all.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. We, and his family, have truly appreciated it.
Sarah: We'll accept any direction you and Jeff feel best. You're in the middle of it and we want you to find some comfort from your Hayabusa Family.

If doing what you decide is best brings you closer to us all, then no one here will argue any point.

You tell us.

I'm still in on this also, Just please keep us updated on everything. Still prayin for you all.:please:
Hey, everyone.

I talked to Sarah and Jeff tonight.

Things are not looking good for Levi.

Apparently, there is extraordinarily little hope. Another MRI was scheduled for this evening, as a final check to see if there's any change in Levi's condition before the inevitable decision has to be made...that being, whether or not to release Levi to his next calling. He struggles to breathe, even while on life support. Massive brain damage was detected after the last surgery, leaving him where he is.

Levi's parents are faced with this indescribable, angst-laden position they couldn't have imagined only two years ago.

Shortly, there should be some word on the results of the MRI. If there is no change, or if things have deteriorated, well, I don't think I need to spell it out.

I'm taking this opportunity to let you know that this has taken an enormous toll on everyone, including our brother and sister, Jeffery and Sarah Carman.

Tomorrow, I will let you know any further developments. It won't be long after that, that we can move forward with our plans to offer some gift to comfort them.

Please stand by; don't give up hope for a miraculous change, and in advance, and on behalf of everyone directly connected to this desperate situation, thank you.

I'll be back in touch on this, shortly.

One more thing...I'd like to publicly thank our brother, Pcosho, for launching this idea and this thread.

You have selflessly displayed the core philosophy of the oRg.

Well done!
Dear God.....

What a position to be in. I feel for everyone. May God bless them all....especially 'Little One'.
not giving up hope yet..............
Thanks for the update Scar. We will be waiting to hear. My heart goes out to them all. Just let us know what we can do.
Thank you for the update Scar...I logged in today hoping to hear good news for Levi.

He's in my heart today, as are his family...I just can't begin to imagine what this is like for everyone. :(
is there any word yet? I'm so sad for the parents and little Levi. I COULD NOT imagine the heart pain in this.
Here is the news.

The results of the MRI showed there was damage to a significant amount of Levi's grey-matter brain regions...but the important parts remain undamaged. This in itself is encouraging.

Still, truly good news eludes us.

Starting tomorrow (possibly earlier), the medical team will commence systematically removing the machines which keep Levi alive. It is possible that he will be able to sustain himself. How likely, is anyone's guess. Certainly more unlikely things have occurred.

At this writing, it is unclear whether or not the family is going to request 'heroics', so we'll have to be patient for news on that.

One thing is certain. If Levi makes it off life support, he absolutely must go back into the same surgery he was in a couple of days ago, which was abandoned mid-event due to prolonged cardiac arrest. The surgery is critical to his longevity.

I know this is a lot to absorb, but everyone here deserves to be kept abreast of the situation as the news avails itself.

I continue to be in close contact with Jeff and Sarah (even though I'm on business travel over the weekend), and will keep you up to date in as timely a fashion as I am able.

My best to you, and peace.

Still have this little guy in my heart. I hope to hear more promising updates soon. Thoughts and prayers to all involved...
Still have this little guy in my heart. I hope to hear more promising updates soon. Thoughts and prayers to all involved...

There will be a significant update today. As soon as I talk to Jeff/Sarah...

Please stand by.