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It could be a great idea.  Speaking of video games....does anyone know of a home system that lets you play all the classics?  Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, Burgertime.  You all know them.
Do you have an XBOX? I have a mod for it, no chips just a harddrive and sodering gun. I have all games for Atari, Coleco Vision, Nintendo (all versions), and some others on my xbox. Best darn mod I ever did. It will blow your mind when your playing Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Pacman, and all the others, boy has time left those games behind.

Did I mention that you can record "your own xbox games 'wink wink'" to the hard drive for quicker playing.
Right now I just have PS2 but wish I had Xbos for that. I love the classics!
I use TS as well, but im more into computer games, currently playing World of Warcraft, it's a pacifier until I get the busa :)Jay