Long road trips 500 + miles

Desert Rat

In stock form... How comfortable is the Busa ride, on long trips of 500 + miles? How well does it handle the twisties?
Very comfortable, done trips up to 1000 miles a couple of times, no problem and with a pillion as well, no problem.
Handles the twisties quite well for such a big, heavy long machine, you'd be surprised.
The Busa is not a couch, however it depends on what your used to riding. I am 6'3" 220# & made the trip to Deals Gap this past Sept from Michigan. We rode +/- 3000 miles in 5 days, plus I rode the Dragon at least 18 times. How does it handle? My guess would be if you need to ask that, then you will not even begin to tap the engineering marvels the Busa holds. For a 520# bike, you will NOT be disappointed. I've owned the R1, ZX11, friend with a 12 (sweet ride), friend with a Bird, and I still wouldn't think about trading my Busa. Unbelieveable machine.
I usually have to take a short break every 100-150 miles as my crotch starts hurting. I've been up to 200 miles straight before having to refill and have done about 400 miles in about 4 hours, not speeding... much.
1000 miles in a weekend is the most I've done. It's tiring, especially with about 40 lbs. of luggage, equipment and a 42" saber attached to my back in cold, wet weather, but even then it's not unbearable. On a warm or hot day with nothing to carry, I can comfortably ride all day.
This last spring and summer every Friday evening a group of us would go on a long ride across the state. We would pick a new destination every week. We would ride for about 6 or seven hours a night and only make one long stop for food. The ride was great, but after about 5 hours you catch yourself standing up on the pegs to get you circulation going again. All in all I really don't thinks that it matters what sportbike you are riding after 3 or 4 hours a good stretch is needed. I also have a Goldwing Aspencade and I can go for 8 hours on that beast, but its designed for comfort too..


I hope I'm Ok here mentioning another board but I need to intro you lot to who I consider a very good friend of mine, he's a bit of a knob. but he's a Geordie so we make allowences

Anyhow, he organized the run listed below this summer, it was awseome, the point being is that I live app.100 miles from start point so it was a 5-550 round trip,AND NO COMPLAINTS !!(Mr Lucky )

Here goes >>>>>>>>>>

The next big get-together for all UK members of the site, no matter what they ride will, be on Sunday 29th July.

You want to know the route? Of course you do.

We can all meet up at Washington Service Station (Northbound) at around 11am. A perfect opportunity to refuel the bikes and we are ready for the off.

We then move off in the direction of the A696/A68 which is a beautiful introduction to Northumberland's countryside. We travel on some very well surfaced roads with enough to keep both rider and pillion amused. The rider will love the road without it becoming to much of a racetrack challenge (remember there are riders with varying levels of skill on the board, we can't all be DM). The pillions will fall in love with the scenery.

Now I am sorry if this upsets some members but the section up to the Scottish Border at Carter Bar sets the scene for the rest of the trip. Stunning, billiard smooth tarmac and breath wrenching scenery. Fast open sweepers and tight well surfaced switchbacks linked with mile long straights.

After we photoshoot the Rhinos against the England/Scotland 12 foot high granite markerstones and perhaps a coffee or two whilst gazing across one of the most awe inspiring vistas in the Kingdom we can head into Scotland and Selkirk (82 miles so far) where an all day full breakfast awaits for £3.50 at the Courthouse Coffee Shop.
Don't worry I have prepared Sarah, the owner for our imminent arrival and she will be more than happy to see and serve us all.

Moving out of Selkirk will take us up past Galashiels and on to Peebles, A very pleasant Scottish town with a good petrol station for the fill up that we will be requiring (now showing about 110miles)

Boy oh boy are the Rhino Pilots in for a treat now! Peebles to Moffat. This is the road that left Nygie speechless with joy. One word to describe this section, Stunning. A glass of whatever poison you and your passenger wish to imbibe at any one of the many pubs in this town and a chat to the rest of the group about how you all thought Lucky was B.S. about these roads until you actually rode them for yourself, then we are off again, in the direction of Carlisle. As we pull out from Moffat the trip meter will be telling us about 140miles have passed under our feet so far.

A trip down the A74(M) So you lot can cruise and chill for a while will bring us into Carlisle, actually just skirting it after another top up for fuel (185miles now). We then ricochet off in the direction of Hexham. Just a little way onto that route we will peel off onto the Old Military Road that runs parallel to the A69. A quick stop at Housteds Roman Fort for another photoshoot and an stretch of the legs for all and we head of on the most insane 200mph stretch of road you have ever travelled upon! (The Luckster does not in anyway condone driving at this speed on any UK road etc etc blah blah blah). The road is arrow straight, it just goes up and down a lot. Those that so wish can nail it, those that so wish can chill and enjoy the road at a more sedate speed.

Rolling back down onto the A69 at Hexham will take us onto Newcastle upon Tyne (260mile) and back to the start point of our combined journey together. Everyone gets in a circle for a group hug (I love you guys) and we can do it all over again! Or not

No sore necks, no sore wrists, very sore cheeks from grinning all day.

Thats the Next Great North Run...

No sweat on posting other boards here, I am a member of most of the other boards too.



Hey Captian, Took me a bit to get used to the "ride" but my rear and the rest of me has gotten in to it. I need to keep "ridding" her a little differently every so often down the road to keep from getting my butt in a rutt. Other wise its not that bad at all. Im 6' and 215 with long arms and leggs and think she "fits" pretty well. I also wear KOBE leathers and think that they may be a bit of a help since they are doubled up in the seat. :hammerhead:
Er actually Andy I am a Northumbrian, not a Novocastrian...
[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Well ya tork lyke a twat tha nos !!!!

(you just managed to f**k up the only international compliment I was ever likely to post about you Sir.
(other than your luverly girlfriends butt, that is)
Don't worry old man, I have copied and pasted your rare compliment into a word document and saved it so our children (if we choose to have them) will see proof of your kindly nature in years to come. How is my peach buttocked jewel of the desert dawn, Donna, by the way? Flaying the very flesh from your bones I trust. You deserve nothing less my effeminate southern friend.

I know you are reading this and touching yourself...  
Did 5087 miles last summer from Eureka CA to Dallas TX and back. Had a 650 mile day. Going to Vegas for spring break. Plan to go to Florida this summer. Installed Heli-bars and a tour screen. Can anyone suggest saddlebags?
"Wow" Some of you guys are Studs! The most I can ride on a sport bike and still feel good, is about 3 to 4 hundred miles a day, what helped me on those trips were corbin seats (on my last two bikes) some guys dont like the way they look, but speaking for myself, They really helped the comfort level, that and a good size tank bag to lean on for a few miles, unfortunately I have not yet had the oppertunity to go on a long trip with my 02 Busa, but I already orderd the corbin seats last week and hope they will work as well for the Busa as they did for my other bikes.

I shall be doing a 700 mile round trip plus bazzing round the English lake district, Easter week-end with luggage and one of the kids. Just a standard run out.
In May I'll be off to the Czech Republic with the 'missus and loaded up, 980 miles, two nights there and then straight back, up to 1500 miles. 2500+ miles in four days. :hammerhead: