this thread has soooo many parts to it .
We could hypothesize about these things for an' eternity...
First: the cop . Bad call . But...they are people , and have been know to fug-up. The officers here on the board will agree I'm sure ,that different situations cause different amounts of chemicals to flow thru the brain . Cops can become over zealous , angry , they can suffer "God-syndrome" , etc.....they can also do a good job. EXAMPLE: When cops finally catch a purp who has been running from them , they quite often use excessive force in removing said banditoo from the vehicle . WHY? cause the cop isnt thinking...he is however ACTING . Is he acting inappropriately...yes . HE IS BEING HUMAN . Does he regret his actions later....lets all hope so....or else we are dealing with a psycho .
Second: The biker . Bad call . But they are people , an' do fug-up on a regular basis . This guy didn't do anything more than most of us do ON A DAILY BASIS. Would I be upset if a cop did this to me....YES .
We can sit here an say cop is an azzhole .
We can sit here an say squid is an azzhole too .
What are we searching for in this discussion ? Who is the bigger azzhole ? That FORTUNATELY , is personal choice decision provided by your countries freedom .
closing statements....
Did the punishment fit the crime....NO . You'd have to be a first class fugwad to think a guy doing a wheelie or speeding deserves to get his body mangled .Yes I know, speeding and wheelies are dangerous. Most intelligent societies fine or jail or suspend licences for speeding , very few(I'm guessing) break your body parts for traffic infractions.
The thing about his bike being a deadly weapon . I dunno . Sure I guess it is a deadly weapon if used inappropriately . Who's fault it that . OURS . You , me , all of us . If you wanna search for someone to blame in all of this....look no farther than the mirror . Why are we building vehicles to sell to the general puplic which are inherantly dangerous to the common good . EXAMPLE: I live on a large island . probably the same land mass as alot of the US states . The highest allowable speed limit here is 100 KPH . 60 MPH . Thats what we , as a society have deemed to be a safe speed at which to travel .
Why do we build vehicles that can break those laws and be so contrary to the common good? My Busa can break every speed limit law in first gear . WHAT IN FUG SHOULD I DO WITH THE OTHER FIVE GEARS ?
we can sit here and play Monday Morning Quarterback all night . We as a group will not get any smarter . WE WONT DO THE RIGHT THING . 'cause we're human .
I break the law EVERYDAY . I take my killing machines out on the road everyday . It's my right . Its of my own free will that I choose to do this .
If I speed should I have my body broken into peices?
If I talk on my cell phone(an' not pay 100 % attention to the task at hand....DRIVING) should I have my body broken into peices?
If I have neglected my regular maintanance and allowed the braking system on my car to become "less than totally effective" should I have my body broken into peices?
We are all quilty . We can all be victims aswell .
Should you speed on your motorcycle
Should you pull in front of a motorcycle that is
Should you talk on yer
Should you adjust the radio while
Should you scratch yer balls while driving
ONLY if they are REALLY itchy .
thats my 2' yes , I can offer change....but nobody will want it....'cause we're human .
Hav a good and self-righteous one.....RSD.