hey guys thanks for the love! Luckily I came out with only some lovely rasberries on my legs, thighs and ass (my ass was too big for the rest of me anyway) The only thing I was missing gearwise that day were the pants and guess what hit the ground first.
Anyway give me a couple of weeks and I'll be good as new. The bike...well the bike is dead. The subframe is bent 90 degrees and the frame has got a huge crack in it. Nothing that bolts on is left on the bike, it all got twisted or thrown off. Oddly enough the engine doesn't have a single scratch on it. Hmmm. I went and saw it today, the repair estimate in case you were wondering is $22,700 ish heh.
Funny thing about wheelies is, it's generally not when you're learning them that they get you, it's when you are all comfortable and they don't scare you anymore. So they have to remind you that they are scarey. Postal- I definately do not suggest this particular method of landing a wheelie. Craigabusa- If they pay me per "scare" then they owe me a whole lot of money
(sorry bro I couldn't resist) FYI the wife didn't say that I couldn't get another bike, just that I couldn't get another one "soon" heh winters coming anyway..I can wait a little while. Just happy I didn't hear the word "NEVER" sorry for the book guys, and thanks for the support. Be Safe, push your limits, just not too hard, keep the shiney side up, and WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!