Lookin to restore a Busa


lookin for a busa to restore..... does any one know where i can find one... lookin to get it cheap... lookin for a winter project... and i thought i start lookin now...

i dont care if its in two or more pieces... as long as it salvagable...

if you guys can help me out ... email me at JavierLopez123@hotmail.com

or IM me at DJUnique34

or just post ill jump on later and read the posts

thanks again
lookin to spend about 2000 - 3500 for a crashed bike...

basicly all i want in the frame to be in good shape and the engine to run with out problem...

the rest can be replaced... and i can careless about the plastic or paint.. cuz i plan to repaint it anyways
Why do you want to get one to restore when you can buy a good used on in perfect condition for $6500-$8500?

Unless your doing it for just hte fun of it, its gonna cost ya alot to fix a wreaked one.
One just popped up on Ebay. It is located in New Jersey. Here is the link below. It is crashed and very restorable. If I was you and you would like to buy this bike, I would give this guy a call and see if he would be interested in ending the auction for X amount of $$... Just a thought though, cya.
well i would really like to rebuild it... yea it expenisive... but i want it for fun.. if i cant find one crashed... then i just might buy one used.. but i really dont want to spend to much on it.. cuz i plan to invest alot into it..
One just popped up on Ebay. It is located in New Jersey. Here is the link below.  It is crashed and very restorable. If I was you and you would like to buy this bike, I would give this guy a call and see if he would be interested in ending the auction for X amount of $$... Just a thought though, cya.
YEAHHH... thanks man... i just bid on it.. and called and left a message.. i put 2500 on it.. hopefull ill get it.. but i think i will be outbid... it seams to only have a little damage.. ill keep u guys posted on what happens...

thanks again
Check with Rhythmm he just crashed one, and can probable tell you the salvage yard that has it.....and give you an estimate on what it would cost for you to buy it.