Looking for 08 Blue Pictures Custom

Love the Blue


I what to think everyone for all the post. I'm new to the busa.org. The blue and chrome is pretty nice. But the black and orange is just sick. I love the extended swing powder coated in orange. I have found one in Tulsa but it kinda a long haul I'm in Nashville Tn area. Thanks again
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I have looked everywhere and I have had three dealers looking for the black and orange busa for me. The local stealership has the blue and bronze. Can you guys post up some pictures of your blue busa. I just don't feel really impressed by it and was hoping someone could impress me with theres. Even the 09's aren't that great. I do like the black w/orange decal. Thanks

Try these cats -no gauranty

Orange Park Power Sports - Home
I what to think everyone for all the post. I'm new to the busa.org. The blue and chrome is pretty nice. But the black and orange is just sick. I love the extended swing powder coated in orange. I have found one in Tulsa but it kinda a long haul I'm in Nashville Tn area. Thanks again
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I'm not that far from you...had a great ride out of West Nashville yesterday!
:beerchug: Ft Waton Beach Florida, Barracuda Motorsports. This is in NW, FL panhandle near Pensacola. You'll have to talk them down.:laugh:
Blue/Black/Gold Busa is the blue angel special. It also comes with a afterburner....so its faster!!!!
tomorrow i am swaping the gold wheels out on my blue 08 . and it looks just as cool as i thought it would. the black konji really looks great . how difficult was it to change that part fron gold to black ?:bowdown:
I am waiting on tires for my black wheels. The black wheels completely chang e the look of the bike. IMO more than the chrome does. Adam's bike is just sick!!! I think he just got an overlay kit from tapeworks or something because all the silver streaks are still there.