Looking for advice, the real estate type

All I can say is, be careful of scams out there. There are a lot of scammers promising to fix all of your problems and they'll be more than happy to bend you over.

I dont have any quality advise Charles. All I can say is good luck and I hope it all works out for you.
Yikes, thought the house was worth $410,000. But the realtor showed me that if we want to get any offers from buyers, I'm going to have to list it as $399,999. So with minimal sellers costs the loss would be $87,000 :O

The owner finance with an option isn't any good for me because I have no equity and the projections are that my house won't rise back up into a price that breaks even for me until 6 years... If the buyer exercised their option within the time period, I'd be in the same boat again...

Gonna try and shortsale it and hopefully talk the bank into taking some of the loss. If it doesn't work out I can always pull out and rent it or do an owner finace without an option... both are risky...

This blows...