Freechance............ If your looking for a Buell without the blacked out motor you will have to go pre 08 to acomplish thish this. Just so you know when looking the only magor diffrences in the Lightning models is all cosmetic (mostly seat height). The SCG is the lowest out of the bunch and the suspension is actually 3 in lower than the other models. There are 1 or 2 models that are taller and longer bikes.......The SS (lightning long)-SST-Ulessys are all 4in longer over all.....2in in the frame ans 2in in the swingarm. Other than that the only diff is weather or not its a 9 (984 cc) or 12 (1203cc). Now the engine did change some in 08 I beleive and the changes included addition of a second o2, larger crank ends, and beefier rods. With proper maintenace any Buell will last a butt load of miles. There are some 03-04's pushing 70-80k with no issues, and I dare say they were babyed. Buells love to be beat on. They show their stregnths on city streets and in the Twistys where alll that low reving tourque can be utilized . the bikes top out at around 135mph for the 9 and 140mph for the 12. Keep in mind these motors are veriations of a Harley design not the same as a sporster. <-------these guys pay upwards of 2-3k just to get what a buell has stock. If your into computer tuneing the earlier 03-05 are DDFI and 06-07 are DDFI2.......both are tunable with ECM Spy programs that are free to download off the internet. 08+ bikes use DDFI3 programs and can be tuned to an extent but are harder to manipulate since the ECM's have a learning software in them.........they adapt within preset paramiters to their mods and enviroment. The eairlier Buells....Pre 03 (Tuber's as they are refered to) do use the 883 sporsters motor with some minor upgrades in cams and such. If your looking for a awsome around town bike and somthing to carve up some twistys with out hunting for gears.....they are for you. If you like long open straights like may be left wanting more due to the low top speed.
Somthing else to think about on these bike .....Lightning or that the panels on them are color molded plastic. This means if you dont like the color of your bike you can find another owner halfway across the world that wants to trade you and shipping is minimal. I traded mine (Black to Yellow) and shipping was only $75 and that included $1000 insurance on the package. Its also nice to be able to buff out swirls and light scratches using NOVIS polish or any plastic polish.
Somthing else to think about on these bike .....Lightning or that the panels on them are color molded plastic. This means if you dont like the color of your bike you can find another owner halfway across the world that wants to trade you and shipping is minimal. I traded mine (Black to Yellow) and shipping was only $75 and that included $1000 insurance on the package. Its also nice to be able to buff out swirls and light scratches using NOVIS polish or any plastic polish.
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