Looking for some turbo advice, PLease Help


Hello, I am new to the forum, but I have had my 01 busa since 02 {before that was a TL1000r with nitrous}. The 01 is actully on Ebay rite now {search for 2001 hayabusa in RI, its the one with a 5400 buy it now}
But anyway I was looking forward to the new 07 busa but when I got that heart braking call from my Suzuki dealer telling me the change may not take place until 09 {08 at the earliest} I decided to build a sick 06. SO I started searching and found a LE with 2K miles for around $7500, then last week I bought a 240 tire Kit {black swingarm with chrome wheels}. Now Besides the undertail, a sheild, and some misc. chrome all I need is the turbo...
I have looked around and I have talked to a few people but still have no more knowledge than I started with. So maybe I can get some help here. This is what I am looking for....
No engine work something bolt on that I can drive to the tuner-
250 hp-
Daily driver {I take my bike to work}
I want it to last as long as the stock engine would
I dont want to spend over $6K complete
So thats it if anyone has any ideas and maybe a list of parts I would apretiate it.
This is what I cam up with so far
RCC stage 1 with Ball Bearing Turbo, BOV , And clutch springs. But I dont know wheather to go intercooled or no and I dont know if I will need Power commander and I would like some safety device to stop it from blowing up.... Thanks
I just dont want to invest 20K and blow it up in a year....
Na with only 250whp you won't need an intercooler. Just bolt on and go. There is also a member on here named Bert. Good guy (he'll talk yer head off on the phone though) but he also sells very similar kits. They can be seen at 1320straightliners.com
you will want a powercommander it's gona be needed. But the rest of the stuff you suggestedwould be a plus also a 2 stage boost controller would be an added plus for you if you like. and well i assume you wana slam the bike at times then you will wana do water injection if anything it's hard to slam a intercooled bike since the intercooler will hit the front wheel otherwise it sounds like you got a good plans so far just make sure you get someone good to tune it and or install cause one mistake and you will have probs
What does the water injection do? I just want around 250 reliable hp, Im not lowering the bike at all, but I am also looking for the easiest install, I am going to try and contact the guy from straitliners hopefully he will hook me up with what I need. I was thinking stage 1 with the bb turbo, bov, clutch springs, and maybe water injection or intercooler, and I just read about a device that changes the timing with boost? I dont know but hopefully straitliners will...
water injection just cools the intake temps. With a stage 1 and below 8lbs boost you don't NEED it but it wouldn't be a bad idea for safety reasons if you don't use an innercooler. A cooler isn't a bad idea if you think you are going to upgrade. It will save you about a grand in the long run.

boost is addicting!!!
oh yeah a power commander can change the timing and fuel maps so you'll need one for sure. You don't necessarily need one if you go to a stage 2 because you could use a standalone controller for the extra fuel.