Looks like the FCC lost

Comcast can suck it. I have been having speed problems the last few weeks and still have yet to see the tech that was supposed to come out.the dumb B*^^% on the phone tried to get me to up my service I told her lady the basic service isn't even working. Man they are a bunch of (*(&%(( We really don't have a choice of highspeed where I live.

end rant :laugh:
too many words, I need the Cliff notes. This makes my head hurt. It's all a rip off. They are sucking us dry one monthly payment at a time.
too many words, I need the Cliff notes. This makes my head hurt. It's all a rip off. They are sucking us dry one monthly payment at a time.

cliff's notes version: gov. tried to screw us (again :banghead:)... courts said no and the corporations that provide internet access can now continue to screw us. In the end we still get screwed but the one applying the turns didnt change ;)
cliff's notes version: Gov. Tried to screw us (again :banghead:)... Courts said no and the corporations that provide internet access can now continue to screw us. In the end we still get screwed but the one applying the turns didnt change ;)

cliff's notes version: gov. tried to screw us (again :banghead:)... courts said no and the corporations that provide internet access can now continue to screw us. In the end we still get screwed but the one applying the turns didnt change ;)

:laugh: :badpc: