You could lose about 15 lbs of rotating mass by switching to carbon fibre wheels. This is the most noticable mod you can do to your bike. You will feel the difference in just about everything the bike does. It will accellerate faster, stop faster and turn much better. Granted the wheels are not inexpensive but if you ever ride a Busa with them you will not want to ride one without can lose about twenty pounds in a few weeks by just easing up on carbs like bread rice potatoes any kind of pasta and eats lots of protien like lean ground beef.
no, it's 8.33 lbs/gali know water weights 6.25 lbs per gal.
OnCycles is the place to get the wheels. We are a board sponsor. Please check out our website MUCH AND WHERE CAN I GET THOSE WHEELS!!!!!!
Is there a Roy D. Mercer fan in tha house?how big an ole boy are ya anyway?