Lost A Friend Today

RIP fellow rider...prayers sent for the friends, family, and truck driver
Thanks to everyone. It has been a difficult time for all involved, both directly & indirectly. Below is an e-mail from the driver of the truck who was hit when Terence low-sided & slid into his lane. Dennis was behind Terence & saw the whole thing. I have a great deal of respect for this man whose life was suddenly changed.

Hello Dennis,

It was really good talking with you today. I truly appreciate the emails from the other riders. You may not understand how much I appreciate them. This may seem a little stupid or trivial from some aspects but it actually makes me feel relieved that the other riders with you guys that day don't hold me responsible because I feel enough responisbility to go around for everyone. There seems to be a tug of war going on inside me when I think about my feelings and compare them to what happened to Terrence...they just don't balance out...at least not yet. I am not sure when my feelings become petty issues compared with death but it seems pretty petty for now.

I have always tried to live my life that every day is a good day and there are just some days better than others. Saturday was not one of the better days.

As strange as it may sound, Terrence was about 4 years older than my son. I can only imagine what his family by blood and by association must be going through. I am so sorry that I was chosen for whatever the reason to be the one that was interjected into his life in this manner.

I remember how I felt when I had to bury a 5 year old son. I had many people telling us..."I know what you are going through"...It dawned on me how many times I had used that phrase with friends and loved ones that were going through a rough road. I made a vow to myself at that point that I wouldn't use that phrase unless I truly had been on that road...and I have stayed the course since '89. I don't know exactly what Terrence's blood family or his family by association is going through right now, but I have a pretty good idea. If you or the other riders hear of anything I can do to help them please let me know...even if they just need someone to vent against.

As I stated today when I spoke with you, I keep replaying this over and over. I have been able to close one of the many questions in my head of "Why didn't I swerve over into the incoming traffic lane after I saw Terrence's bike go down. As I realized at about 4:00 Sunday morning, I would have hit you head on.

As stupid as it sounds, I thank God that Terrence's bike stayed horizontal with the ground. If the tires or frame would have caught the pavement, his bike would have came through my windshield or driver's window.

I hope I didn't get on your nerves today....if you have any remaining.

Please thank your group for me and please keep me informed...good or bad.


My Response

Dennis please pass on to Randy that there is absolutely no hard feeling toward him in any way. It was a terrible thing that happened to all involved, either directly there at the scene, or the rest of us. I pray that we will eventually find peace within ourselves in knowing that he is in a better place. There is nothing that can change the past, we have to move forward toward the future in our personal grief & recovery. The fact that Randy is staying in contact w/ you shows what a great kind & careing individual he is. I may never meet the man, but he has all of my respect.
I just saw this post as I have not been on much this weekend. Michael and Santosh, I'm so sorry for the loss of your riding buddy Terence. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Terence. My prayers also go out to driver of the truck Randy, who through no fault of his own, was part of this accident.