It seems to me, at the heart of the argument made for loud pipes is always the unspoken assertion that one man's rights are worth more than another's, i.e. my right to the safety afforded me by my loud exhaust trumps your right to be able to sit in peace and [fill in the blank]. This is the attitude of a king, i.e. one whose rights have by decree been elevated above that of all others in the community.
The issue of loud pipes is like a whole lot of other issues where a certain, small faction feel they can do whatever they feel like doing, and everyone else can suck on it. The issue goes a lot deeper than this particular argument about motorcycle exhaust. We're looking into the face of one of the great failings in our society, i.e. the failure to respect one another. That's what this argument is about, underneath its face--respect. Lack of respect for others will always come back and express itself, eventually, as a failure to respect one's self. Unless one is a king, how can it not end up that way?