Lucky day for these two!

Blanca BusaLess

Suffers from PBSD
Donating Member
Caught these two strays running across the six lane road in front of our store. Turns out the one white lab (kinda dirty cuz he's been out playing with the boys) is from Sarasota almost 200 miles away. The family was here on vacation and lost him two days ago. Thank God for phone numbers on tags. I called them up and they were so relieved as was he to be back together. The other dog is from the neighborhood where they are staying and just a bad influence....:) They seemed happy to take him back to see if they could locate the owners. Figured better that than the pound.


wow nice job Blanca, i bet those owners were so happy to see their dogs, i know i would be..
Good on you Blanca, I have stopped several times to help an animal in distress. Most have turned out good, others had to go to the pound.
I was sitting in my office looking out and was like 'omg'. Had to go home and change my clothes cuz after holding onto him I smelled like a wet dog :) . Couldn't get the other dog to come to me but as soon as the white one jumped in the car we opened to slider on the side and the black one finally jumped in.
She was happy to have him back. Funny his name was 'Pilgrim'. Guess he was looking to discover some new grass to pee on or something :laugh:
Good for you! We found a dog last week and lucky for us his owners number was on there. Happy ending for all!