I saw a white one at the dealer and it would match my busa. I think I would get one in white. But $13k I don't want to spend that much. Or do I. The honda dealer here has VTX 1300s for about $8k they are 05 and 06 models. I like the look of the VTXs but heard they aren't comfortable and handle like crap and vibrates alot at cruise speed of 65-75mph. I don't know. And then there's kawis vulcan 900 custom that looks unique but don't know much about them either. The only thing is the price isn't too bad on the 900 kawi. The M109 is huge. Well its only money and you only live once so maybe I should go a little further in debt. The M109 definitely pops out at you. I thought they were ugly in photos then saw them in real life and they do look sweet.