M304-007 PCII Map


Im using a piece of air filter meant for a kawasaki, orange and grey stuff, comes damped with oil. It cost anout 12 quid from the local bike shop..seems to be ok.

Yeh maybe i should take a trip to bmouth, or we could meet half way or whatever..

Im going to try and frig this pc2 today cos its beginning to really bug me at the bottom end...

Hope u have a nice weekend, looks like the first beach weekend this year!
hey mike got my busa running sweet low down now I swopped my table 3 with standard 340-007 map and changed the stacks in the Air box for all longs.
Pulls stronger and seams a lot smoother low down at 2000 rpm unlike before will have a good look at the mods Brad did to this table as there is something in there it does not like.
Have you got a lap top or a PC you can hook up to your PCII.

Can you give me a beter idea of the location of the fuel filter please, do i need to take off the plastic etc.

re the flat spot at 2000, you say we will not be able to get rid of it, why is that?
