:bump: because Ken needs this Busa fixed ASAP!!! The Bash is coming, the Bash is coming!!!
I got good news!
She's fixed! Came home early today and got busy checking things out and nothing seemed to change anything. Remember I had fixed a starting problem by cleaning the connector and replacing the starter relay. Apparently that was a temporary fix or wasn't even the original problem. I did not mention that I wired my HID to a switch to reduce the load when starting. Since the problem started I have not touched the switch to turn the light on, so after a long couple of hours of disappointment I decided to check it out. Guess what, HID came on and when I tried to start the bike I had my same problem back (nothing happened when I hit the start button - no click, nothing at all). That seemed strange and since I had already replaced the starter relay I decided to check the clutch safety switch. Jumpered the 2 wires and tried to start and still got nothing, but had a FI light flashing. Checked out dealer mode (I'm rather pleased that I figured out how to do this
) and it was C12 (Crankshaft Position Sensor).
So, now I follow the service manual and do the checks and my numbers don't look anywhere close to right so having a spare bike handy I remove and replace the entire stator to see what happens. Get everything back in place and try to start the bike and I still have a flashing FI light with a C12 code. What are the odds that 2 CKP sensors are bad? Didn't seem likely, so I was playing with the wiring harness to see if I could find any breaks and nothing. As I'm tracing the wire I find that it leads back to the PCIIIR and not the ECU. Well, that's crazy and then the light goes on :idea: - I disconnected (or thought I disconnected) the PCIIIR yesterday, but not completely and the CKP hadn't been reconnected so of course it would flash a code. So, disconnect from PCIIIR and reconnect to original harness, turn the bike on and hit the start button and I almost cried :cry: when I heard her roar!
Went back and reconnected the PCIIIR and checked again and everything worked. Then swapped out clutch safety switches so I wouldn't look ghetto ridin' around and all was well.
In the end I spent about $170 on unnecessary items (new battery, new starter relay), but got an invaluable lesson on troubleshooting and learning about the bike. Thanks for everyone's input and help and sorry for wasting people's time for something that really didn't exist.