Making Money (on the road to new busa)

I'd be interested in some info, but I have to be honest, this sounds like a pyramid scale to me..... Have to look at it more closely.
Exactly... Cashout now!
Im going to cash out when the cash runs out. LOL. As for right now im getting paid on time every time. My initial investment is safely back in the bank where it belongs and I'm making money off of there money now. For the first couple times I was sweating, now that I have my money back im happy. Im the most skeptical people you could ever meet, before I started doing this I watched my buddys account for two months strait, I saw what he made and how much he made. So I said why the heck not...

Thats where im at now, one step closer to the busa....
So I give it about 2 months before I can pay cash for a new busa....
Awesome for you RiderCoach!!!! I hope you get that new Busa very soon...


...and I too am very interested in how you've done this...I know you're sick of sending PMs, but hook me up!
Awesome for you RiderCoach!!!!  I hope you get that new Busa very soon...


...and I too am very interested in how you've done this...I know you're sick of sending PMs, but hook me up!  
For you, anything...
. I don't mind sending out the PM's, I just dont want the post to be all about how im making money, its more of the journey for a new Busa and how im getting there. But what I have been doing has been working for me, and for others that I know, a lot them some very close friends. Everything is a risk, so I took it and it panned out for me and im enjoying the rewards. The biggest reward of all will be when im on my new bike and possibly my new vette (maybe used, I hate buying a new car and having it depreciate)...

Stay posted for my status, ill post every week here so people know how close I am to my goal...
Have you seen their "Business Plan"? Is it registered and approved by the FTC as a legal marketing plan?

Just a few things to look into if you want to keep it legal!

Best wishes
I never thought I would get this kind of response in the form of individuals wanting to know exactly how im doing this. Im more than happy to share the info, share the wealth and what works. If anyone else knows of anything like this please let me know and ill check it out. Im always open to trying new programs. Now that my trust level in these programs is up Im more than willing to give it a shot, even if its only $5.00.

Thank you all...
Curious... Please pm the info to me as well.