Man arrested for Bible study in home

Its not a tax thing, its a zoning thing and permit issue. Churches are tax exempt but they still have to follow fire codes, pay to have building permits and city licenses, and follow the same zoning laws as the rest of us, and they still have to have inspectors and fire alarm systems. If I can't turn my house into a strip club why should you be allowed to turn yours into a church?

He’s trying to get around it by saying its not a Church, that its just people gathering to freely practice their religion which is a protected constitutional right. The problem is not the Bible Study part, it’s the amount people and the frequent gatherings in an area not designed for it that’s the problem. Its so much that the City says you have crossed a point that we now have to call you a business, no matter how much you say it isn’t.

Just like I can have a private strip show at my house for me and a FEW friends all I want (that is if my wife says I can). But the second I have so many people over that it impedes with the traffic flow of my street and do it every day the City will say enough, we now have to classify you as a Strip club and you are not zoned for that. Stop or we will stop you…..He got stopped, plain and simple.
Its not a tax thing, its a zoning thing and permit issue. Churches are tax exempt but they still have to follow fire codes, pay to have building permits and city licenses, and follow the same zoning laws as the rest of us, and they still have to have inspectors and fire alarm systems. If I can't turn my house into a strip club why should you be allowed to turn yours into a church?

He’s trying to get around it by saying its not a Church, that its just people gathering to freely practice their religion which is a protected constitutional right. The problem is not the Bible Study part, it’s the amount people and the frequent gatherings in an area not designed for it that’s the problem. Its so much that the City says you have crossed a point that we now have to call you a business, no matter how much you say it isn’t.

Just like I can have a private strip show at my house for me and a FEW friends all I want (that is if my wife says I can). But the second I have so many people over that it impedes with the traffic flow of my street and do it every day the City will say enough, we now have to classify you as a Strip club and you are not zoned for that. Stop or we will stop you…..He got stopped, plain and simple.

Why not have a church with a strip club out back :dunno:

Strip clubs are full of evil vile sinning hussies and churches are full of well I guess evil vile sinning hussies asking forgiveness for being ??? evil vile sinning hussies? What was the point I was trying to make? Ain't much different I guess between the two :laugh:
Obviously and as normal we don't have the whole story. After seeing the video, it's somewhat obvious to me that this guy has turned his home into a church. Before the video I was like WTF.

Wag, you are so funny :laugh:

Yes , it's a dry heat. We get those temps coupled with 100% RH , try that on some time :rofl:

There's no such thing as The News anymore ................

Caught my 88 year old father watching the Kardashians the other day. Our country has become so vacant :banghead:
Obviously and as normal we don't have the whole story. After seeing the video, it's somewhat obvious to me that this guy has turned his home into a church. Before the video I was like WTF.
The city’s conflict with Salman began even before he and his wife decided to build the game room onto their home, when concerns about the use of the property were beginning to emerge. Salman’s addition was approved by the city with the caveat that the property not house a business or church, among other uses.

The reason: Specific zoning and safety requirements would otherwise apply. Such concerns include adequate parking, emergency exits, Fire Department access and other measures intended to protect the safety of large numbers of people who might congregate there.
When city officials discovered Salman was using the game room as a sanctuary, prosecutors initiated a civil action against the Harvest Community Church, resulting in a fine of about $180,000, Carreon-Ainsa said.

Some guys on another forum found his Facebook page... um, shyeah, this page pretty much tells ya all ya need to know.... :whistle:

Harvest Christian Fellowship Ministries - Non-Profit Organization - Phoenix, AZ - Map | Facebook

And there is indeed more to the story here:

The city’s conflict with Salman began even before he and his wife decided to build the game room onto their home, when concerns about the use of the property were beginning to emerge. Salman’s addition was approved by the city with the caveat that the property not house a business or church, among other uses.

The reason: Specific zoning and safety requirements would otherwise apply. Such concerns include adequate parking, emergency exits, Fire Department access and other measures intended to protect the safety of large numbers of people who might congregate there.

When city officials discovered Salman was using the game room as a sanctuary, prosecutors initiated a civil action against the Harvest Community Church, resulting in a fine of about $180,000, Carreon-Ainsa said.
Hiding behind a religion to get tax-exempt status - nice. :rulez:
I found it curious that the fire department broke up a BBQ prior to this ??? I'd be curious as to what's really going on. Forgot where I got that tid bit.
it's all Howard Sterns fault...

he proved to the world that..."It's All About The Ratings"

news doesn't hafta be truthful anymore...just sensationalize it..or be fired for not doing so....and if there is no news?..have anderson cooper come out of the closet he was never in...kinda puts a whole new spin on his "360" gig. LOL! Or maybe?..if there really is no news?..and ur scrapping the bottom of the barrel?..have the scientists discover they were wrong about something..again...cause that right there is a sure thing..old standby...or facebook is causing an upsurge in cosmetic surgery..or the release of octomoms first music video...ya know..real important stuff..that inquiring minds wanna know. LOL!

Or if their back is really up against the wall for a headliner?..just drop ship Lindsey Lohan a case of champagne and wait an hour...sump'in will happen...and of course there's always that cheesy mayan calender thing...but one things stands that has rung true for decades....folks will always..

"READ ALL ABOUT IT!" :laugh:

L8R, Bill. :cool:
Hey jinkster. What you shooting in the avatar pic? :)

a Bushmen "American Native" Longbow...this one...



a Bushmen "American Native" Longbow...this one...

Nice. Looks like fun. My wife and I just picked up two Samick sage takedown recurve bows. :) amazing hobby. I think i will go olympic recurve route but the wife is more into the natural reflexive shooting. :)

Sorry for thread jack :)

I found it curious that the fire department broke up a BBQ prior to this ??? I'd be curious as to what's really going on. Forgot where I got that tid bit.

Unless they broke up their own BBQ I don't believe it...the FD doesnt do anything but play bags and bbq where i come from.
Sorry for thread jack :)

Hey, no big deal.

I like pancakes. Anyone else? Sometimes I get the craving for waffles, and man are they good, but I still just are the we and go to the last, but when the are comes I think I could just push a little bit farther with the then to the now, but I digress.... It's just so difficult ya know?

I mean, really, who has time for the what in the air anymore? I wish I had more foot in the mouth with trees by my side. If only you knew. I went with the oar on the boat tree once but couldn't figure the math to make the miss hit for the wood timer. I guess I just couldn't manage all the pressure cookers steam broccoli, but I'm learning now. I went with the jesus to mow lawns but he said the time wasn't right for me to learn the way of the fist, so I stepped aside to let is the or what and mice go round with the rocks to make love on the land. It was good.

That is the word, the one true speaketh of the spoken and you shall know it all with the is and or the what but not to be bothered by the who. Thank you.

good night.