
Do you think it should be Legalized?

  • No

    Votes: 16 20.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 58 75.3%
  • Only for legit medical use

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters
I just imagine how bad my MoonPie craving would have been if I was high instead of drunk.. :banghead:

I'll stick to alcohol for now. Pot to me was something you tried in high school. I'm darn near 40 now, I don't need to "fit in."
Sweetie, you'll NEVER fit in...stop trying :whistle:

I fit in this, so shut up... :poke:

Ok well maybe but the stoners that lived next door to me at NC State in the dorms did all of that crap most days as a result of their weed smoking. No booze but man they smoked to the point they passed out, crapped their pants, pissed themselves, puked, etc. They would often miss school for days at a time because they were so baked. I've seen the moderate users and they are quite often fully functional, hell in some cases more so :laugh:

I think any of the arguments for why its better/safer than drinking really don't hold any more water than saying "all good things in moderation"...which applies to booze too :thumbsup:

That wasnt marijauna that's young and stupid! Grown people who excessively drink still do the things I talked about. Lets also add alcohol over dose and poisoning is a common problem. IT IS MEDICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO OVER DOSE ON MARIJAUNA.

I think your right though, anything is good in moderation. Over use is abuse
Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary - YouTube[/url] Watch this video!
I just got my MMJ card this year in WA even though it's already legal. I went and got it for my severe Plantar Faciitis that extremely debilitating. Here you need to bring your medical records to prove a need for the card FYI. I had a failed surgery on both of my legs to try and fix it, along with months of PT. I was also taking 3 10mg Percocets every few hours and the pain was still unbearable. A bag or two out of my Volcano Vaporizer takes all the pain away and I can go on with my day. I was trying to be a cop, but I don't even care about that anymore. All I could think about was the pain all day long. As soon as I tried it the first time I noticed how happy I was (I have PTSD too). I haven't really been happy in years. Now I feel like I did before I joined the army even when I'm not high. I also quit drinking. I was drinking anywhere from a 12 pack to a case of beer a day, sometimes a fifth or more. Now I don't even feel like having a sip. My wife notices a big difference in my mood and she is happy that I tried it (with her permission).

I have Dementia, Alzheimers, and Cancer in my family history and Cannabis can help with/or stop all three diseases. I also don't trust a government that legalizes use of Cocaine, Meth, and Opiates for Medicine, but won't even allow the research of Cannabis as a medicine. This is a congressional mandate to N.I.D.A. I did a lot of browsing, research and all that before I tried it since I was actively trying to be a cop and all, but in the end I decided that I would rather try Cannabis and get rid of my pain. Much to my surprise I feel amazing after using it and I don't care if the government makes it illegal again. I have been converted for life and I will not give it up and go back to my misery. I even had to sell my Busa for bills and all that, but I'm not as sad as I would've expected. :laugh: When's that Gen 3 coming out??
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I almost forgot to mention that I have really bad intestinal problems. I have a ton of mild food allergies that give me the squirts and give me a lot of stomach pain whenever I eat something bad like wheat, yeast, corn, and soy to name a few. The pain was so bad that I wore sweat pants everywhere I went. People thought I was a creepy bum at college lol. I endured diarrhea for over a year and the stomach/intestinal pain that went with it before the doctors decided to check for allergies. It didn't help knowing, since I can basically only eat meat, rice, and some veggies. The medicine they gave me helped out a little, but not enough to really make a difference. Cannabis takes away all my stomach pain and diarrhea and I can eat whatever I want, no problem. Its nice to be to go places without always being in discomfort and wondering if there is going to be a toilet nearby. Just another reason I love Cannabis!
The pharmaceutical companies hate hearing things like this, don't they BUSA CRUSEN?? :laugh:

Glad you're getting some relief...that's all that matters IMHO :thumbsup:
Yep :beerchug:

Here is another video that got my very anti-drug parents interested in Cannabis. Its a great short video. The part with the baby is a little hard to watch, but all ends well.

[ The Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis ] - YouTube[/url]
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Washington noticed an unintended problem. The Pot legalized so is Hasheesh oil and the problem comes from people not knowing what they are doing with all the flammable chemicals used in the process. Now the Pot heads are catching them selves on fire. At least it doesn't throw toxic chemicals in the air like a meth lab when they go up.

Now you have the issue, how much gets you to the impaired limit 5 nano-grams per milliliter? The aren't sure if it is 5 or 3.5 nano-grams - source my Trooper Buddies.

Bottom line is if you are impaired you are impaired. It doesn't matter what you are on to be impaired, be it Alcohol, pot, morning glory, or nutmeg, you are still a danger on the road way.

I do hope this takes some of the money away from the drug cartels but as dad of three says it is only a piece of the pie and unfortunately that rings true for LEO's and drug dealers alike.
I voted yes. Don't touch the stuff myself, but its stupid to keep trying to keep it illegal. Legalize and tax it. Like cigarettes or liquor. Pot is cheaper now than it was 5 years ago. We are not going to win the war on pot. So tax it and pass laws on excessive use. ie DUI etc.
As soon as I stop laughing ill explain to you it is all but impossible to catch a contact high, test positive for it or pass out by being near it. Unless they closed you in a box and burnt a pound inside it I'm not buying it. Folks have claimed contact high or positive test by exposure forever and it is constantly proven to them that that just doesn't happen. Sorry

And the effects of second hand smoke are all lies and propaganda...:whistle:
And the effects of second hand smoke are all lies and propaganda...:whistle:

As with all things in life, there is a very real responsibility that goes along with the things we choose to do. Smokers of all kinds should be considerate of those around them, just as we as sportbikers had a responsibility to not act like fools and endanger others... :2cents:

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