Max still gone... new friend

WoooooHooooo. just got back from pickin her up....she's walkin around the house right now.....she's hugely cute, and has an awesome personality.....she howls like a wolf it's funny!!!!.....thought we'd let her stay in the mud room for a bit (NO it's spotlessly clean!!!!!) till she's comfortable we want Max back more than ever.....they'd look like twins.
She's way bigger than we thought she'd be.....4 months and seventeen days old, and already weighs 58lbs......her paws are as big as Max's are.....very strange for a female....usually they're considerably smaller.......her mother weighs 85lbs full grown, and Luna's only half way there.
Now to get Max back!!
Bill, we're gonna have to stop by ! Gabriela and I want to see
Thanks Rhyth...she has the funniest personality...she's kinda gettin used to the place now......last night at about 4AM...she starts howlin like crazy......Colleen went to check, and she was just lettin us know it was time to go outside for #2.
Did her business, and came back in and slept the rest of the night till 8 this morning.
Thanks Rhyth...she has the funniest personality...she's kinda gettin used to the place now......last night at about 4AM...she starts howlin like crazy......Colleen went to check, and she was just lettin us know it was time to go outside for #2.
Did her business, and came back in and slept the rest of the night till 8 this morning.[/QUOTE]

Whoz got who trained ? Sometimes I wonder if our 4 legged kidz trained us to do what they want instead of teaching them
,nothing like good communciation .
LOL....good point dude....never looked at it that way.

Some good news 3 this afternoon I recieved a phone call from a guy off the local sportbike website I'm a member of.
He said he saw Max.....wait, wait, this time there's pictures to prove it....he had time to snap a couple shots before he bolted, and Colleen and I are in fact 99% sure it's him, either that or his identical twin.
So once again we spent the entire afternoon searching and came up least this time we have proof.....tomorrow we'll head back out once again.....wish us luck please

LOL....good point dude....never looked at it that way.

Some good news 3 this afternoon I recieved a phone call from a guy off the local sportbike website I'm a member of.
He said he saw Max.....wait, wait, this time there's pictures to prove it....he had time to snap a couple shots before he bolted, and Colleen and I are in fact 99% sure it's him, either that or his identical twin.
So once again we spent the entire afternoon searching and came up least this time we have proof.....tomorrow we'll head back out once again.....wish us luck please

awesome that you got a fresh sighting!!
that's very good news(understatement)
keep at it, you'll find him!
Sorry, didn't read your message until now! We'll try and visit real soon!!
Can you beleive it man...New West Burnaby area??

We're sure it's him!!

If it is, yer gonna have a complimentary Malamute, (puppy) in a year or so if ya want one??
Very nice, post up some more pics when u have some...

btw, in Hawaiian, Luna means : luna -- A foreman, boss or supervisor
That's hilarious HB......she's qucikly establishing herself as head of the pecking order around here.
She's fiercly independant, and very staunch in her ways........My wifes parents dog is at our house all th etime cuz her parents just live up the road......He's a 120lb Black Lab with a bit of an attitude.......yesterday he saunters into our garage, and got a li'l to close to Lunas dish.......Luna bolts off the porch, and lunges at him big time.....we coulodn't believe it......totally hilarious watching this little 4 1/2 month old pup go after an 8 year old 120 male Lab!!
Be interesting to see what happens when Max gets back.....he was the big dog round here.. no contest!!
Sorry to hear about your pup "Max". Had a pup "Curlie" (husky/shepard mix) for 15 years, long story short battled his cancer, blindness, and then went deaf.. hardest thing to do is say goodbye to a friend. Have a new friend "Dawg" (sharpe) good to have a friend around.
Yeah, does it ever suck losin pets!!

Recieved a call from a lady today that said.....the dog that was seen day before yesterday, was hers......they look completely identicle (hers and Max).....I can't believe this ####.....right back to square one again......don't know how many more highs, and lows I can take.
damn...this blows real big chunks, Bill. So sad to hear that nothin new is turnin up yet.

However, it's still good to hear that Luna is brining a new color into your life. I'm sure that she's gonna be blast!

Best of luck again in finding Max...I know it's a real pisser, dude. sucks big time.....can't stand goin out lookin every time someone calls, and it always turns out to be nothing......emotional roller coaster ride!!

Luna is awesome though for sure....she's sittin beside me right now!!