Yes, my young friend Bike382 is a man to watch at Maxton. He is willing to experiment, willing to learn. Already fast, and lookin' to be even better! And Soon!
He is taking MY records away, and is looking for more.
He is looking for a quiet and worthy goal, perhaps without realizing it: Other than ONCE at Bonneville, in 1999; and ONCE at Muroc, also in 1999, NO TRUE PRODUCTION CLASS MOTORCYCLE IN THE WORLD HAS EVER SET A RECORD OVER 200 MPH.
Will 382 be the first one to do that at Maxton? He has all the right stuff, for sure.[/QUOTE]
TZ, I am honored more than words can say. I only truly got the bug because Land Speed Larry and yourself took the time to help mentor me. And yes, 200 is the goal for P/P at Maxton.
It's worth mentioning TZ that my dad had such a good time talking with you and racing my bike that he bought one of his own (Silver/Grey new 02). Now Team Too Fast has 2 Busas. We may put a turbo on his.
I almost forgot, the owner of the company that I work for also owns a motorcycle dealership. He asked if I would be interested in racing their new Triumph Rocket when it comes in. I told him I would have to think about it.....