Maybe Al Gore was right.

Wrath and Aceshigh, you guys need to reread my post.  I'm not supporting anything by Al Gore. I used his name to attract attention to this thread and for a joke.

and to think...all along I've been listening to college educated scientists that have made the study of climate change their life's goal. Little did I know the answers were right here on my favorite motorcycle forum.

I was thinking the same thing LOL.
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it.  You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position.  So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief.  If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
He won a $5,000,000 nobel prize for his climate "discoveries".. It is a total crock of crap. Surely, the age of industrialization has a tiny bit to do with it but overall, the natural cycles of climate are just that: Natural.
and to think...all along I've been listening to college educated scientists that have made the study of climate change their life's goal. Little did I know the answers were right here on my favorite motorcycle forum.
Glad to be of service!
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it.  You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position.  So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief.  If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
What you just stated does not just pertain to science. You can say that about opinions in general. Take our current political race as a perfect example. People want to see something different right now. They don't care what, just as long as it is different. So they will go to great lengths to prove that a candidate advocating "change" is supported. Exactly how Jimmy Carter was put into office by the tri-lateral commission. I don't think anyone at the time dreamed he would negotiate SALT II as he did, but it was "change". My point is that your statement can apply to any opinion or belief IMHO.
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it.  You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position.  So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief.  If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
What you just stated does not just pertain to science. You can say that about opinions in general. Take our current political race as a perfect example. People want to see something different right now. They don't care what, just as long as it is different. So they will go to great lengths to prove that a candidate advocating "change" is supported. Exactly how Jimmy Carter was put into office by the tri-lateral commission. I don't think anyone at the time dreamed he would negotiate SALT II as he did, but it was "change". My point is that your statement can apply to any opinion or belief IMHO.
Not argument from me on that.
and to think...all along I've been listening to college educated scientists that have made the study of climate change their life's goal. Little did I know the answers were right here on my favorite motorcycle forum.

I was thinking the same thing LOL.
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it. You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position. So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief. If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
So we write it all off as geeks disagreeing with each other? Do we make that decision based on what we know as machinists, military, IT folks, construction workers, etc.? Or do we listen to people that actually do this for a living? What's your fix?
and to think...all along I've been listening to college educated scientists that have made the study of climate change their life's goal. Little did I know the answers were right here on my favorite motorcycle forum.

I was thinking the same thing LOL.
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it.  You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position.  So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief.  If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
So we write it all off as geeks disagreeing with each other? Do we make that decision based on what we know as machinists, military, IT folks, construction workers, etc.? Or do we listen to people that actually do this for a living? What's your fix?
It seems that the root of this argument is something like that between Evolution and "Intelligent Design".
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it.  You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position.  So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief.  If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
I will still put more credence in scientist's educated guesses, if you will, than the politically tinged opinions of us lowly motorcyclists
Problem with the scientific method is the scientists believe something is true then set out to "prove" it. You can find some emperical evidence to support just about any position. So of course, their conclusions are going to favor their preconceived belief. If science were as black and white as the scientists want everyone to believe it is, there wouldn't be scientists arguing with each other about it.
I will still put more credence in scientist's educated guesses, if you will, than the politically tinged opinions of us lowly motorcyclists
Ahh...the voice of reason. Thank you sir.
here is how I see it working...

global warming will draw the attention of tree huggers and "wanna feel goods" and of course scientists and politicians that want/need/require funding to research obscure or even mundane facts of life..

Resolution: for most people it will boil down to $$$

if gas costs $5 a gallon, most will drive less
if it costs $500 a month to keep your home at 80 degrees in the winter, they will lower their thermostats (likewise to cool)

basically, unless it hurts the pocket book, I would guess 99.99% of all consumers could give a hoot about Al or global warming (if there is even such a thing)... Many of the tree huggers in the US, drive thousands of miles per month and spend countless hours in their cars commuting.. yet they scream the loudest... go figure.....


carbon credits: makes me laugh so hard I wear diapers...
How about when the Church would sell "forgiveness"? I forget what it was really called. They did it to finance building new Cathedrals and the lavish lifestyles of the clergy..
How about when the Church would sell "forgiveness"? I forget what it was really called. They did it to finance building new Cathedrals and the lavish lifestyles of the clergy..
Seems to be a pretty linear comparison here huh? Forgive me my carbon foot print Ms. Pelosi?

(Prius has the same carbon footprint as the H2 hummer, now thats a hoot)
here is how I see it working...

global warming will draw the attention of   tree huggers and "wanna feel goods" and of course scientists and politicians that want/need/require funding to research obscure or even mundane facts of life..

Resolution:  for most people it will boil down to $$$

if gas costs $5 a gallon, most will drive less
if it costs $500 a month to keep your home at 80 degrees in the winter, they will lower their thermostats (likewise to cool)

basically, unless it hurts the pocket book, I would guess 99.99% of all consumers could give a hoot about Al or global warming (if there is even such a thing)...    Many of the tree huggers in the US, drive thousands of miles per month and spend countless hours in their cars commuting.. yet they scream the loudest...   go figure.....


carbon credits:     makes me laugh so hard I wear diapers... I was saying, the politically tinged opinions of us lowly bikers
Regrardless, you're right, Bogus, most people don't care enough to curtail their driving, until they feel the pinch in their wallets. Regardless, the inability, on purpose or otherwise, to do the right thing, is not a trait of certain "tree huggers" alone (as your post seems to suggest), it is an unfortunate human trait throughout the masses ....
here is how I see it working...

global warming will draw the attention of tree huggers and "wanna feel goods" and of course scientists and politicians that want/need/require funding to research obscure or even mundane facts of life..

Resolution: for most people it will boil down to $$$

if gas costs $5 a gallon, most will drive less
if it costs $500 a month to keep your home at 80 degrees in the winter, they will lower their thermostats (likewise to cool)

basically, unless it hurts the pocket book, I would guess 99.99% of all consumers could give a hoot about Al or global warming (if there is even such a thing)... Many of the tree huggers in the US, drive thousands of miles per month and spend countless hours in their cars commuting.. yet they scream the loudest... go figure.....


carbon credits: makes me laugh so hard I wear diapers... I was saying, the politically tinged opinions of us lowly bikers
Regrardless, you're right, Bogus, most people don't care enough to curtail their driving, until they feel the pinch in their wallets. Regardless, the inability, on purpose or otherwise, to do the right thing, is not a trait of certain "tree huggers" alone (as your post seems to suggest), it is an unfortunate human trait throughout the masses ....
I think that "most" want to do the right thing... BUT are unwilling too

I did the right things for the wrong reasons... I moved closer to work to save fuel/time and ultimately money.. (and money was the reason, not conservation) But the overall effects are pretty dramatic when you add it up over the year/s... it was like getting a pay raise = to almost 2 months salary...

My carbon footprint when way down, wallet went way up, Bike got much needed carbon unit upgrades