McMustang needs our thought and prayers!

Look on the bright side, An eye patch (albeit temporary) would make you look like a Marine Pirate Shawn and fit your personality perfectly! :thumbsup:
Look on the bright side, An eye patch (albeit temporary) would make you look like a Marine Pirate Shawn and fit your personality perfectly! :thumbsup:

Aye Captain! err... Major! :hijack:

Seriously though, prayers sent your way, buddy. I hope they get you all squared away in a hurry.
Hey guys I have to thank Steve for posting this, though it was never my intention to seek the thoughts and prayers of everyone, especially when there are those who are so truly in need. They debreded my eye this morning, so hopefully, I am on the mend:). Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and comments. It really means a lot...