Meanwhile, at the Drop Zone...

And, a pic or two...the missus and me.

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My wife wants to try it some time soon, so maybe this year we'll make it happen. I have 4 tandem jumps, but it's been a long time ago....Eight years or so? Fun stuff! If I had a drop zone in town I'd consider getting licensed and buying my own rig. :)
My wife wants to try it some time soon, so maybe this year we'll make it happen. I have 4 tandem jumps, but it's been a long time ago....Eight years or so? Fun stuff! If I had a drop zone in town I'd consider getting licensed and buying my own rig. :)

The season is pretty short in ID, weather is certainly a factor. Go to U.S. Parachute Association - Skydive Today! and look at group members in ID and surrounding states for a participating DZ. Good luck!