Meeting other busa owners ritual


Ok I've notice that other people that own busa's have a tendancy to notice mine when its out side at work. Always it goes the same way

First the questions:
"who's bike outside?", "what year?", "what mods?"; then the best part the Second the pictures of thier own busa which i think is interesting and cool, because the picture is right next to the one of the family.
Though none busa owners that know what it is tend to have the one question: "how fast have you gone?"

Everyone knows that motorcycle riders tend to group together with an unspoken bond of freedom on the open road. But Busa owners belong to a even smaller group that are brought together by trill of speed and unparalled areodynamics.

If you got any good stories of people asking about your busa or showing pics of their own treasured rocket on wheels feel free to post
I've only met one other person with a Busa before so I don't have the stories like some of you guys do.
My neighbor has one but he don't ride enough to have any stories. One year old and 1600 miles. He also has a zo6 vette that sits in the garage. A truck and a Yukon. Rich people.:laugh:
I hate the "how fast have you gone?" question. Bugs the hell out of me...

On the other hand, the only time I ask a fellow Busa owner about their bike is when I see its actually being used to ride (ie: no chicken strips, no excessive bling, no stupid neon lights for the bike nights, etc..)
easy on the bling and the lights dude I ride mine daily.
I hate the "how fast have you gone?" question. Bugs the hell out of me...

On the other hand, the only time I ask a fellow Busa owner about their bike is when I see its actually being used to ride (ie: no chicken strips, no excessive bling, no stupid neon lights for the bike nights, etc..)

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The security patrolman at my office drove up while my bike was warming up last evening and paid the bike a compliment: "Man, that's a beatiful bike!". It was about the most sincere comment I've heard yet. Turns out the guy is a non-rider, probably about 40 years old, but he said seeing the Hayabusa (he didn't know the name) made him think about learning to ride. He just loved the lines/look of the bike. Later in the conversation as we discussed motorcycles he realized that most modern bikes have as much power as small cars and he was incredulous. The guy reminded me of a kid learning about motorcycles, all wide-eyed with wonder and admiration with no attitudes.

Ended the conversation letting him know to reach out to me if he truly wanted to get into riding so that I could hook him up with MSF courses and get him started off right.

Very refreshing encounter, especially with a non-rider.
am the only one with a busa at my job (couple of gixxers, cbr's,and one ducati). needless to say as freindly as i am..i get alot of hate! :rofl::moon:
bdogg317...nice ride, like the light show and my favorite color, as well as the fastest! :laugh:

Didn't know about many busas that close until I started going to .oRg MnGs and then discovered quite a few. Ah, busa fellowship is nice! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
No Busas around here so I have to go to Deals Gap every Spring for this Bash thing :whistle:
couple around here, only ones I met worth a crap talkin to are Chrisjp and midknight1300(eric) but haven't heard a damn word from him since he got married........go figure
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I don't ride with any Busa people locally. Any time a few of my friends ride with me, my Busa almost always gets all the questions and compliments. Anytime I meet another rider I pay a compliment to their bike when I introduce myself. It's a good ice breaker. The conversation usually gravitates to the Busa in short order.

The only riders that ask me "How fast have you had it?" are usually the ones riding 600 or 1k SS bikes.
Most negative comments come from jealous people who seem to say "you only ride such a big bike to compensate for your small **** " :whistle: I have a few Busa riders that I ride with in our group and we always compliment each other on how well we ride or care for our bikes.
Ok so most of you know i am a harley guy as well as a Busa guy. I wear My MC club colors everywhere and am proud of it. So i get, 'Dude, you just dont look like you should be on that bike!'
On my last trip home, i was stopped at a gas station having a cig and coffee right next to a very nice Harley Heritage Softail. Nice couple on there way back to Detroit. 3 People stopped to look at the bikes and they all looked at the harley first, thats it. They just looked. All of them then turned to me and asked all the "busa" how fast, where ya been, do any wheelies? And then the most important part.."MAN, thats a NICE Bike!"

couple around here, only ones I met worth a crap talkin to are Chrisjp and midknight1300(eric) but haven't heard a damn word from him since he got married........go figure
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there are good and bad in all bike styles... i used to think tl1000r's looked nice too but that one rider in erie ........ well hes your freind right lol.
and come to the M&G im holding on the 22nd at State College PA. you just might meet more worth "talking" to lol