Member of the year......

I nominate "COOKIE" He crashed His bike a while back then blew his motor!! and was going threw some other stuff as well but always seems to try to help anyway he can..

And a all around good guy!!
First off Captain, I think that not including your new mods may not be right. Just my opinion. They are new and were just members here before they were installed as mods. I know a few that deserve to be nominated for this great award. Before their installation they were very upstanding members and always there to help the others here. Be it with advice, parts, kind words, ears and shoulders. So with that being said,and disregarding one of the rules I make the following nominations with the reasons for them.

Lycan: This member seems to always be one of the first people in line when another member is in need. I can not ever remember Lycan having a bad word to say about anyone. He is very helpful and caring about this family and its members. I know for a fact that Lycan has sent items to other members out of the kindness of his heart. He sees a need and does what he can to plug that need. If he finds a member in need of an ear or shoulder, he does what he can to contact that member and lets them know he is here and will listen. He does all of this without seeking reward or thanks. I could list dozens of times this member has stepped up for others, But I know he is very modest. If you search here on the board you will find many of those.

RacerV: This member is a true unsung here. Yes he may say things that go against the grain for some, yes there was some in fighting a while ago. But Most of that was OUTSIDE of the 1 year window that Cap has identified. When a question is asked on here, RacerV is usually one of the first to answer if he has an answer. He is also quick to respond with other help. I know, for a fact, of one member that he has helped directly behind the scenes and have heard of others. That alone deserves nomination. If a member goes out of their way to help other members and does so BEHIND THE SCENES then they are of great morale character. (Doug, if this member makes the list, please make sure the electoral college knows the whole story). Again, I would like to go into further details about this member, but from my dealings with him he prefers to remain anonymous.

Sambusa: This member has not been active for some time but that should not cause his wonderful deeds to go un-noticed. Sam as he is known to most people here, has a huge heart. Even when he had a full plate himself he gave selfishly of himself to help others. I remember an evening a while back a phone call I got from him. I was up to my gills that night and he understood. He was trying to help another member that was in dire straights. I trust Sam so much, that I gave him some VERY confidential personal information of mine and told him to use it to accomplish his mission. I was not a lot of help, but Sam did pick up the slack and got it done. Never was a word said in public about this. Sam has spent countless hours on the phone with members. Just listening and being a friend. Again, there are countless other behind-the-scenes things that he has done. Honestly, and I do not say this lightly, I believe that if it came down to it, Sam would probably lay down his own life for you or I. For Sam is a very big man in heart and spirit. You could never ask for a better friend.

Lavinrac: What can I say about this guy. He does not post very often, but when he does it is always NICE and helpfull. Spring Bash we had 2 riders that decide the asphalt was not where they wanted to run their bikes. 2 days in a row guys thought off the mountain was the place to be. Both times as soon as word got back to base camp that we had riders down, Lav dropped what he was doing and jumped in the BIG WHITE truck and drove to the scene. He worked his tail off (not his ponytail though) to help retrieve the bikes and riders. He then loaded the bikes in his truck and drove back to camp and started to work with everyone to get the machines road worthy again. He was never asked to partake in these events. Just the fact that word came in we had guys down and needed man power and a truck is all it took for this quiet shy guy to jump in to action. And like the others, there are behind-the-scenes action also. Like opening his home to a complete stranger for a week.

BBB: Very few have actually met this member but she does deserve a nomination. Seems before she was even a member here she saw a picture of a hairless Sasquatch with tears in his eyes sitting in a chair at a board function:whistle:. She felt bad for this Yeti and searched high and low for him. She found him and took him in and nursed him back to health the best she could. That caused her to become a member here. Now even though finances are tight for her do to the economy, everytime there is a call put out, she steps up and helps. Only 1 person here can verify that and that person is not always me. But she does it. She has opened her home up to members who need a place to stay and feeds them. No questions asked. If you are in here area and need a bed she delivers.

Now for the nominations that go against the rules.

Acehole: This guy.... What can I say that has not already been said? You have a mechanical question about a motor vehicle? Can almost promise you that whithin the first 8 posts he is there trying to help you out. You have a bad day? If he has your number he will be ringing it. If does not he is trying to find it. Your cold, wet and hungry? Not for long, if he can he will take you in like a stray dog. This man is what family is all about. Even if you ride a Harley, he has your back.

TwoToneVert: WOW. and another WOW. The things this man has seen and been through. Most will never know, that is not his style. WHat ever you do, DO NOT let this man know you are down and thinking you are out. He will use all of his super powers to find your number and reach out to you. The call will go something like this " Hello (insert your screen name here). This is James aka TwoToneVert. I hope I am not overstepping here by contacting you, but it seems you could use an ear. .... I am here for you if you ever need me." I still do not know how he did it but he did. I wont even start to guess the number of people this man has reached out to. Match him and Sam together and you can survive anything.

I will stop for now. There are others but I will let someone else do some nominating. If my list is not finished, I will do so later.
JohnnyCheeze is not him! ~ Reason... Knew about the tre a long time ago. Kept the faith about that elixir and made said comment wit very few words in a post for 2009. :rofl:

Mr Bogus ~ Reason... Knows the basics and you can tell... Has enough race protein breathing all types of gas is my choice are the two above.

Either way > :beerchug: Boys!
As an idea, rather than name Don and Kevin members of the year once, why not name them members of the year every year... by naming the awards after them. After all, it seems to me that we are recognizing members for conducting themselves exactly the same way that Don and Kevin did. What do you all think?

Great Idea ! Thats why your a Col. and Im not !!
2nd the motion !!
There are so many great people on here it's hard to pick just one. I would have to agree with Lurch's would be easier to pick the worst member. :whistle: ToXSicK RoCKeT and Greg at HPC would also be on my list of deserving members. Great guys :beerchug:
First off Captain, I think that not including your new mods may not be right. Just my opinion. They are new and were just members here before they were installed as mods. I know a few that deserve to be nominated for this great award. Before their installation they were very upstanding members and always there to help the others here. Be it with advice, parts, kind words, ears and shoulders. So with that being said,and disregarding one of the rules I make the following nominations with the reasons for them.

Lycan: This member seems to always be one of the first people in line when another member is in need. I can not ever remember Lycan having a bad word to say about anyone. He is very helpful and caring about this family and its members. I know for a fact that Lycan has sent items to other members out of the kindness of his heart. He sees a need and does what he can to plug that need. If he finds a member in need of an ear or shoulder, he does what he can to contact that member and lets them know he is here and will listen. He does all of this without seeking reward or thanks. I could list dozens of times this member has stepped up for others, But I know he is very modest. If you search here on the board you will find many of those.

RacerV: This member is a true unsung here. Yes he may say things that go against the grain for some, yes there was some in fighting a while ago. But Most of that was OUTSIDE of the 1 year window that Cap has identified. When a question is asked on here, RacerV is usually one of the first to answer if he has an answer. He is also quick to respond with other help. I know, for a fact, of one member that he has helped directly behind the scenes and have heard of others. That alone deserves nomination. If a member goes out of their way to help other members and does so BEHIND THE SCENES then they are of great morale character. (Doug, if this member makes the list, please make sure the electoral college knows the whole story). Again, I would like to go into further details about this member, but from my dealings with him he prefers to remain anonymous.

Sambusa: This member has not been active for some time but that should not cause his wonderful deeds to go un-noticed. Sam as he is known to most people here, has a huge heart. Even when he had a full plate himself he gave selfishly of himself to help others. I remember an evening a while back a phone call I got from him. I was up to my gills that night and he understood. He was trying to help another member that was in dire straights. I trust Sam so much, that I gave him some VERY confidential personal information of mine and told him to use it to accomplish his mission. I was not a lot of help, but Sam did pick up the slack and got it done. Never was a word said in public about this. Sam has spent countless hours on the phone with members. Just listening and being a friend. Again, there are countless other behind-the-scenes things that he has done. Honestly, and I do not say this lightly, I believe that if it came down to it, Sam would probably lay down his own life for you or I. For Sam is a very big man in heart and spirit. You could never ask for a better friend.

Lavinrac: What can I say about this guy. He does not post very often, but when he does it is always NICE and helpfull. Spring Bash we had 2 riders that decide the asphalt was not where they wanted to run their bikes. 2 days in a row guys thought off the mountain was the place to be. Both times as soon as word got back to base camp that we had riders down, Lav dropped what he was doing and jumped in the BIG WHITE truck and drove to the scene. He worked his tail off (not his ponytail though) to help retrieve the bikes and riders. He then loaded the bikes in his truck and drove back to camp and started to work with everyone to get the machines road worthy again. He was never asked to partake in these events. Just the fact that word came in we had guys down and needed man power and a truck is all it took for this quiet shy guy to jump in to action. And like the others, there are behind-the-scenes action also. Like opening his home to a complete stranger for a week.

BBB: Very few have actually met this member but she does deserve a nomination. Seems before she was even a member here she saw a picture of a hairless Sasquatch with tears in his eyes sitting in a chair at a board function:whistle:. She felt bad for this Yeti and searched high and low for him. She found him and took him in and nursed him back to health the best she could. That caused her to become a member here. Now even though finances are tight for her do to the economy, everytime there is a call put out, she steps up and helps. Only 1 person here can verify that and that person is not always me. But she does it. She has opened her home up to members who need a place to stay and feeds them. No questions asked. If you are in here area and need a bed she delivers.

Now for the nominations that go against the rules.

Acehole: This guy.... What can I say that has not already been said? You have a mechanical question about a motor vehicle? Can almost promise you that whithin the first 8 posts he is there trying to help you out. You have a bad day? If he has your number he will be ringing it. If does not he is trying to find it. Your cold, wet and hungry? Not for long, if he can he will take you in like a stray dog. This man is what family is all about. Even if you ride a Harley, he has your back.

TwoToneVert: WOW. and another WOW. The things this man has seen and been through. Most will never know, that is not his style. WHat ever you do, DO NOT let this man know you are down and thinking you are out. He will use all of his super powers to find your number and reach out to you. The call will go something like this " Hello (insert your screen name here). This is James aka TwoToneVert. I hope I am not overstepping here by contacting you, but it seems you could use an ear. .... I am here for you if you ever need me." I still do not know how he did it but he did. I wont even start to guess the number of people this man has reached out to. Match him and Sam together and you can survive anything.

I will stop for now. There are others but I will let someone else do some nominating. If my list is not finished, I will do so later.
For once I am speechless. Thank you for your kind words....:thumbsup:
As an idea, rather than name Don and Kevin members of the year once, why not name them members of the year every year... by naming the awards after them. After all, it seems to me that we are recognizing members for conducting themselves exactly the same way that Don and Kevin did. What do you all think?

I also agree. It could be called the Kevin and Don legacy award and given out for continuing their legacy of giving and helping. Both of them gave so much of themselves for this family and their own communities.
Miss you both dearly, I know you are watching over us now and forever. Amen
Can admins nominate anyone? I'm nominating Lurch :beerchug: Just for being an all around great guy, always offering help to others even when things are tough. He sees past himself for his friends...shoot, he even invited me and my kids to Thanksgiving dinner!!


Thank you Michelle. I don't know how I missed this, but I really have not done anything special. I just did not want to make a turkey for 2 so I thought maybe for 5,6, or 100 would be more fun.:poke::laugh:
This is a GREAT idea: Man, there are SO many good people on here I wouldnt know where to start. Sorry cap, but probably at least 50% of the regular members here could have a legitamite shot at this award.
I may be biased but I vote for Lurch.

I've personally witnessed Kevin giving at his own expense. He gets more pleasure from seeing somebody else's enjoyment or comfort than his own. He has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met along with the best of intentions.

There is nothing...and I mean nothing he would not do for a member in need.
I have learned a lot since I have been here and met some wonderful people. Seen members give great advice and seen others lend a helping hand when called upon. There are so many great contributing members to this board it's hard to pick just a few.

I'll be on the look out for the biggest "dirt bag" award with my ready list of nominations though. :laugh:
At the last Spring Bash Firedog bench pressed a Busa belonging to a rider that went off roading on Hellbender and helped push it back up the mountain and thus Lurch was born. I saw this guy doing dishes and helping cook with an apron on smiling the entire time. My vote belongs to Lurch.
At the last Spring Bash Firedog bench pressed a Busa belonging to a rider that went off roading on Hellbender and helped push it back up the mountain and thus Lurch was born. I saw this guy doing dishes and helping cook with an apron on smiling the entire time. My vote belongs to Lurch.

You CAN NOT nominate me. I nominated you. You freak.:poke: Oh wait that is right were you not the one standing in 20 feet of water with your head still above pulling a bike out of the river with Dino?? Yeah Let me find that picture.

Aquaman Bike 4.jpg

Aquaman Bike 4.jpg
I had to, Aquaman had his $1000.00 Dianese racing leathers on......
As an idea, rather than name Don and Kevin members of the year once, why not name them members of the year every year... by naming the awards after them. After all, it seems to me that we are recognizing members for conducting themselves exactly the same way that Don and Kevin did. What do you all think?

That is a GREAT idea. Both fit the award perfectly. :)

I also miss both of them.
I had to, Aquaman had his $1000.00 Dianese racing leathers on......
See you just proved it yourself. You are top notch and always giving of yourself bro. You can not deny it. :rulez::beerchug::cheerleader:

Oh, and thank you for all you do for us.
Not sure if we are supposed to post or PM our candidate of choice. Either way it doesn't matter because I'm happy to voice my choice for sleeper_red(Jesse)
He has shown his giving nature & desire to help out multiple members(even after getting the short end of the stick by one) by offering to send needed bike parts or just extend an offer of general help, while asking for little or nothing in return.

Also, his post responses & threads(for the most part :poke: :laugh:) are beneficial and help add to the sharing community that we endorse here at
Not to mention the guy has a good sense of humor. Goes a long way here w/ us org "addicts" :laugh:

Good luck deserve it! :thumbsup:

Thank you very much, Takeuon. I'm speechless. This means a lot to me.

By nature, I really love helping people out when I can. Like I've said before, I'd borrow money if I had to. It just makes me feel good inside when I make someone happy.

Again, thank you for nominating me. It's truly an honor.

I would nominate Greg and Terra. They've done so much for me in the past year or so. They are really great people to deal with and have a good sense of humor, too. Ever since I found out about them, they became a family to me.

Good Luck, Greg and Terra. You deserve it.:beerchug:
This is a great idea. I would like to nominate Scar and NHGunNut. Scar is a perfect example of the great people that are on this site and a great ambassador! I nominate NH because he hooked me up with an oilcooler for a very cheap price this summer when I was with out a job. The oilcooler was in perfect shape and it got me back on the road. :thumbsup::beerchug: